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ITU Regional Development Forum 2008:
“Bridging the ICT Standardization Gap in Developing Countries” for the Americas Region, 19 – 20 May 2008

The ITU Americas region WTSA-08 Preparatory Meeting, 21 – 22 May 2008
ITU Regional Development Forum 2008, Day 1, 19 May 2008  
0930 — 1030 Opening remarks

Chair of the Opening Ceremony: H.E. Ambassador Ronaldo Sardenberg, President of Anatel, Brazil
Mr. Clovis Baptista, Secretary of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL)
Mr. Malcolm Johnson, Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB), ITU
Keynote addresses

H.E. Ambassador Ronaldo Sardenberg, President of Anatel, Brazil
1030 — 1100 Coffee break
1100 — 1230 Opening Session: Assessing needs from the regions: ICT standardization and development in the Americas

Chair of the Forum: Mr. Plínio de Aguiar Junior, Member of the Governing Board of Anatel, Brazil

Objectives: this session will assess the impact of ICT standardization and development in the Americas region and will present a number of ICT development experiences from the region.
ITU-D activities to help ICT development in the Americas Region: Mr. Juan Zavattiero, Head, ITU Americas Regional Office
Overview by CITEL of the digital divide and strategies for its reduction: Mr. Clovis Baptista, Secretary of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL)
Overview of Caribbean Telecommunications Union: Caribbean ICT Development Projects: Mr. Kirk Sookram, Resource Planning and Management Engineer, Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

This presentation gives an overview some of the projects championed by the Caribbean Telecommunications Union, in the area of ICT standardization across the Caribbean. Although there may be evidence of ICT standardization at a national level amongst Member States in the Caribbean, there is need for ICT standardization amongst Member States, as we move into a single market and economy.
1230 — 1400 Lunch
1400 — 1530 Session 1: Overview of ITU activities, how to participate in ITU work and address global connectivity

Session Chair: Mr. Malcolm Johnson, Director of TSB, ITU

Objectives: this session will provide an overview on ITU activities related to the Americas region. It will highlight decisions taken by the last Plenipotentiary Conference in 2006 concerning bridging the standardization gap (Resolution 123 PP-06) and the activities carried out by the three ITU sectors.
Overview of ITU-T: ITU-T - Leader in ICTs and Telecommunications Global Standards: Mr. Paolo Rosa, Head, Workshops and Promotion Division, TSB, ITU

This presentation will provide the most important information concerning the ITU-T and its secretariat, the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau. It will allow you to better understand what the standardization sector is, which are the achievements, the main activities and its commitment for the future.
ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R): Mr. Fabio Leite, Deputy Director, Radiocommunication Bureau (BR), ITU

The structure and activities of the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) is presented with practical information for the participation in the study group work.
ITU-D Activities: Mr. Riccardo Passerini, Head, Telecommunication Technologies and Network Development Division, Telecommunications Development Bureau (BDT), ITU
1530 — 1600 Coffee break
1600 — 1730 Session 2: The Americas region development issues

Session Chair: Mr. Juan Zavattiero, Head, ITU Americas Regional Office

Objectives: this session will focus on ITU-D activities to help ICT development and implementation in developing countries. Topics will include ICT application and network development (e-services, the Americas and its recent achievements, capacity building (broadband deployment).
Moreover it will be presented the activity of the ITU-D Regional offices (AMS Regional Initiatives)
La Convergencia en el desarrollo del acceso de Banda Ancha: Mr. Omar De Leon, Consultant, ITU
Ministry of Communications, Colombia
Digital inclusion initiatives of the Ministry of Communications: Mr. Heliomar Medeiros de Lima, Director of the Department of Digital Inclusion Services, Ministry of Communication, Brazil

This presentation describes the main digital inclusion initiatives of the Ministry of Communications. These initiatives seek the massification and the universalization of access to information and communication technologies enabling all citizens to access information and private and public services (e-gov) available on the Internet.
ITU for Americas. Connect The Caribbean (CTC): Ms. Regenie F. Ch. Fräser, Secretary General, Caribbean Association of National Telecommunication Organizations (CANTO)
Overview of Caribbean Telecommunications Union’s. Caribbean Broadband Review: Ms. Judy Anderson, Project Manager, Spectrum Management Authority of Jamaica, Caribbean Telecommunication Union (CTU)

The Presentation seeks to show how Broadband uptake in the Caribbean has been limited because of cost. The cost was high because of little competition in international facilities.

Now that there are several integrated pan Caribbean fibre systems, the price of Broadband is falling dramatically in every country, with competition on the international facilities.
1730 Welcome reception
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ITU Regional Development Forum 2008, Day 2, 20 May 2008  
0900 — 1030 Session 3: Current ITU standardization hot topics

Session Chair: Mr. John Visser, Chairman, ITU-T SG 19, ITU

Objectives: this session will address current standardization topics in ITU-T. It will present each topic from various perspectives: technology, evolution and trends, current and future studies, new services that could derive from new technologies particularly focusing on how they could serve the Americas region. NGN studies on architecture, service requirements, network capabilities, migration scenarios, mobility and fixed-mobile convergence will be presented together with Multimedia and Optical Transport Networks & broadband access issues, Voice over IP (VoIP), Emergency communication and Accessibility.
Current ITU standardization hot topics: Multimedia: Mr. Simao Campos, Counsellor, ITU-T SG 16, ITU
Relationship between ITU Standardization and CITEL’s Standards Coordination: Mr. Wayne R. Zeuch, Rapporteur of the Group on Standards Coordination of the PCC.I/CITEL

CITEL has historically looked to the work of the ITU as a key source of telecommunication technology discussions and standards development. This presentation focuses on the CITEL-PCC.I standards coordination process and the endorsement of standards for the Americas Region. Under the broad topic of Next Generation Networks, CITEL has identified and reviewed a wide variety of technologies and corresponding standards studied within the ITU. Interaction between the ITU and CITEL has enabled CITEL to address the significance of new technologies and services to the Region and to assess the need for endorsement of related standards.
ITU-T Activities on IMT-2000, Mobility, Fixed-Mobile Convergence, and Future Studies: Mr. John Visser, Nortel, Canada

Mobility is fundamental to modern telecommunications. It is the basis for the growth of telecommunications tomorrow. This presentation will illustrate this, provide a brief overview of the emergence of mobility as a key ITU-T topic (i.e., network side of the IMT 2000 Family), show hoe the ITU sectors and other SDOs are cooperating to provide global IMT 2000 specifications and show how the convergence is at the heart of the work on Next Generation Networks
Mutual Recognition Agreements: Mr. Haroldo Pazzini Motta, Manager of Equipment Certification Processes, Anatel, Brazil

Mutual Recognition Agreements - MRAs related to type approval of telecommunication products aim to facilitate trade among participating parties by streamlining conformity assessment procedures. This presentation provides an overview of the basic principles of MRAs and its benefits. It also describes the effects of standardization, the phases of implementation, and the current status of ARMs within CITEL and Mercosul.
1030 — 1100 Coffee break
1100 — 1230 Session 4: International radiocommunication standards and guidelines

Session Chair: Mr. Maximiliano Salvadori Martinhão, General Manager for Certification and Spectrum Engineering, Anatel, Brazil

Objectives: this session will address the ITU-R standards making process, with emphasis in the collaboration with external organizations and the participation of developing countries; proposals in how to address the standardization gap issues will be presented.
ITU Radiocommunication Standardization Activities: Mr. Fabio Leite, Deputy Director, Radiocommunication Bureau (BR), ITU

The presentation describes the activities relating to radio conference preparations and standards development in the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) and shows statistics of the participation of developed and developing countries in the ITU-R.
Global Standards Collaboration: Dr. Bruce A. Gracie, Industry Canada

The identification of mechanisms to enhance national, regional and international collaboration and cooperation on key standardization issues is becoming essential, not only in response to the predominantly global nature of such issues, but also in the interest of optimizing the use of resources and avoiding duplication of effort. Accordingly, the Global Standards Collaboration, consisting of the ITU as well as Participating Standards Organizations (PSO) from Europe, the USA, Canada, Japan, China, Korea and Australia, meets normally on an annual basis to exchange information on the progress of standards development in the different regions and the state of the global standards development environment. Opportunities for participation in GSC meetings by observer entities, such as Regional Telecommunication Organizations, offers the prospect of expanding the scope of discussions to include those previously excluded from such dialogue, thus contributing to bridging the standardization gap.
Broadband Wireless Access systems and developments: Mr. Marcos Castello Branco, Researcher, CPqD, Brazil

Radiocommunication Services, both spatial and terrestrial ones, have been for years implemented in Brazil following interregional and international rules through CITEL and ITU-R activities respectively. In the Brazilian Study Committees, mostly chaired by ANATEL, several interested parties such as service providers, equipments manufacturers, R&D Centers and universities have been discussing technical and regulatory topics and generating Brazilian contributions to those international standardization forums thus converging national interest to the international rules. These resulting documents then usually become national rules for new implemented services, systems and data bases.

This presentation aims to illustrate the benefits of these well succeeded cases of Radiocommunication standardization and technical regulation activities in Brazil as well as to illustrate development and research programs that are being conducted in the broadband wireless access systems area especially by CPqD – Research and Development Center Foundation – in Campinas / São Paulo. This sort of access systems are becoming strategic technologies for developing countries to provide cheaper and flexible telecommunication and IT services and allow government to reduce digital divide and include poor people to the Internet community.
Overview of Caribbean Telecommunications Union: Spectrum Management Policy Reform Project: Mr. Kirk Sookram, Resource Planning and Management Engineer, Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago, Caribbean Telecommunication Union (CTU)

This presentation seeks to elaborate on a CTU project to harmonize the management of radio frequency spectrum resources amongst Member States. One of main objective of this project is to promote the most efficient, effective and productive use of spectrum across the Caribbean. In addition to a description of the project and the achievements thus far, areas for further spectrum management standardization will be identified, including an identification of the resources required to facilitate this standardization.
1230 — 1400 Lunch
1400 — 1510 Session 5: Security and regulatory issues

Session Chair: Ms. Marian Gordon, Rapporteur of the Group on Cybersecurity & Critical Infrastructure of PCC.I/CITEL

Objectives: this session will provide an overview of security standards and current security standardization work. It will assess whether developing countries and countries with economies in transition have any special security need that is not already being addressed by the current studies. Security topics will include technologies and convergence implications and will cover cybersecurity issues e.g. combating spam, Identity Management. Moreover case study/experiences from developing countries and other regions will be presented. The session will also address regulatory issues and the role of the regulators and regulatory bodies.
ITU-D Cybersecurity Activities. Overview of Activities to support the Americas Region: Mr. Joe Richardson, Consultant, ITU

The integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) into almost every sphere of daily economic and social activity has increased the dependence of individuals, organizations and governments on globally interconnected networks. At the same time, new cyber-threats have emerged that have an impact on confidence and security in the use of ICTs. In order to protect networked infrastructures and address these threats, coordinated national action is required for the prevention, preparation, response and recovery from incidents. National frameworks and strategies are needed that allow stakeholders (end users, industry, and governments) to use all the technical, legal and regulatory tools available to promote a culture of cybersecurity. This presentation will review the activities underway within ITU-D to develop best practices, a framework for action and tools to assist ITU members.
Regulatory issues for next generation networks: Mr. Fabrizio Savi, Public Affairs Legislation Analysis, Telecom Italia

The introduction of next generation networks requires huge investments and for this main reason the operators need a reasonable level of regulatory certainty. Furthermore, an adequate return on investment is strictly related to the success of new converging services. A successful regulatory strategy, adopted by the regulators and supported also by the incumbent operators, can be structured in two phases: a transition period, where the safeguard of the current wholesale offers to the new entrants is complemented by the opening of some infrastructure bottlenecks; a second phase, with the gradual removal of the wholesale obligations keeping, if needed, the access to the ducts and poles of the incumbent’s network. The presentation will describe some details of this regulatory model and suggest some points for discussion and further study.
ITU standardization activities on telecommunications for disaster relief and early warning: Mr. Simao Campos, Counsellor, ITU-T SG 16, ITU
1510 — 1540 Coffee break
1540 — 1700 Session 6: NGN technology, systems. Development trends and migration scenarios

Session Chair: Mr. Bruno de Carvalho Ramos, Private Services Regulation Manager, Anatel, Brazil

Objectives: This session will present the evolution of NGN and future perspectives in the relevant access technologies, service and network architecture with special focus on convergence, home, office and mobile applications, Internet Protocol-Based Platform, Multiple Access Networks pilot cases, and possible scenarios taking into consideration the relevant Business Models and Opportunities. Moreover, charging and accounting principles for NGN, it will also look at migration scenarios for NGN and accounting principles for NGN, including related telecommunication economic and policy issues at regional level.
NGNs, Hyperconnectivity and the Evolution of Structures and Services: Mr. John Visser, Nortel, Canada

We’re always working on Next Generation Networks, but this time we’re changing everything. The transition of telecommunications, computing and broadcast to an all-IP based infrastructure not only makes convergence possible but requires it. The megatrends of hyperconnectivity, communications enabled applications and ubiquitous low cost broadband are providing both tremendous opportunities and challenges. The synergies in Next Generation Networks matter because the challenges are multi-dimensional.
Mr. Marcelo Ehalt, Head of Engineering, Cisco
Internet Protocol based platform: Mr. Oscar Messano, Rapporteur of the Group on issues relative to Internet resources

Las redes NGN presentan desafíos en todas las áreas, las comerciales y las tecnológicas son algunas de ellas, en estas últimas, las tecnológicas, el principal desafío es poder soportar todos los servicios actuales, así como los futuros que serán más que importantes en cantidad y variedad. Si bien la tecnología está lista para este desafío –Ipv6- parecería ser que los estados y las empresas en general no lo están. ¿Qué hacer? El reloj está corriendo.
Summary about our experience in the process of creating a Recommendation for ITU: Prof. Ademir Lourenço, Researcher, FUCAPI, Brazil

The objective of this presentation is to briefly discuss about the experience lived by ANATEl, FUCAPI and UFPB during the meetings from the “Focus Group on IPTV” that took place in Tokyo/2007 and Malta/2007. During those events a contribution about the middleware Ginga was submitted. This contribution added a new topic to the document “Standards for IPTV multimedia application platforms". Besides that it will be also discussed the participation on the events Q13/SG16 and “IPTV Global Standards Initiative” (IPTV GSI).
1700 — 1730 Conclusions and wrap-up

Chair of the forum: Mr. Plínio de Aguiar Junior, Member of the Governing Board of Anatel, Brazil
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The ITU Americas region WTSA-08 Preparatory Meeting, Day 1, 21 May 2008  
0900 — 1030 Session 1: Panel session: ITU for the Americas

Chair of the Prep meeting and of all the sessions: Dr. Luiz Fernando Ferreira Silva, Head of the Office of the International Affairs, Anatel, Brazil

Objectives: this session will discuss on how to enhance the working methods in order to create opportunities for the Americas region to increase contributions and participation into ITU activities. Creation of regional groups and other ways to go forward will be discussed. How to help ITU-T's sector members to commit to input resources into the "Connect Americas initiative".
Creation of ITU-T SGs 5 and 6 Regional Groups in Latin America: Mr. Júlio César Fonseca, Manager of Certification Technical Regulations, Anatel, Brazil
Connect the Caribbean. Importance of ICT Measurements: Ms. Regenie F. Ch. Fräser, Secretary General, Caribbean Association of National Telecommunication Organizations (CANTO)

Caribbean Association of National Telecommunications Organizations (CANTO) is spearheading a project, Connect the Caribbean Initiative (CTC ).

CTC is the Caribbean's response to ITU's Connect the World Initiative. In collaboration with other stakeholders, CANTO is seeking to mobilize human, financial and technical resources in a bid to connect the unconnected in the region by 2015.

A critical component of this effort is how we measure and monitor outcomes. The availability of ICT Indicators that are reliable and relevant to the region is a key challenge. This is an area in which ITU could support work on ICT development in the region, through capacity building initiatives and support in the development of relevant measurement standards and indicators.
Mr Pedro Oliva, Ministry of Information and Communications, Cuba
1030 — 1100 Coffee break
1100 — 1230 Session 2: WTSA preparation briefing

Objectives: this session will review the major outcome of WTSA-04 and the preparation status of WTSA-08, including qualified participants, duties of WTSA-08, and information on logistic as well as information on Round table to be organized on 20 October 2008 just before WTSA-08.
Outline and expected results of WTSA-08: Mr. Malcolm Johnson, Director of TSB
Implementation status of WTSA-04 Resolutions adopted in Florianópolis: Mr. Simao Campos, Counsellor, ITU-T SG 16, ITU
The ITU-T: “Bridging the Standardization Gap”: Mr. Paolo Rosa, Head, Workshops and Promotion Division, TSB, ITU

The ITU Plenary Potentiary Conference in Antalya (2006) approved Resolution 123 in order to reduce the standardization gap between developed and developing countries.

This presentation will highlight the tools and initiatives put in place by the sector to meet the requirements of that resolution and of Resolution 44 (WTSA-04, Florianopolis) and will also advice on possible steps to be undertaken.
1230 — 1400 Lunch
1400 — 1515 Session 3: WTSA-08 - major issues regarding the ITU-T work program and working methods

Objectives: this session will review WTSA Resolutions and Recommendations, indicating the major modifications to be proposed to the WTSA-08. It will also provide contact information for the relevant TSAG correspondence groups.
Issues and status of improvements to working methods of ITU-T: Mr. Simao Campos, Counsellor, ITU-T SG 16, ITU
ITU-T Structure, Status and Trends: Mr. John Visser, Chairman, ITU-T SG 19, ITU

This presentation describes some key points in the process leading up to the discussions on Study group structure and mandates in the Study groups themselves, in TSAG, and at WTSA itself. It summarizes the changes in ITU-T Study group structure that have taken place in the past several decades. The current state of the discussions on Study group restructuring in the TSAG Correspondence Group are reviewed. This is followed by a discussion of industry directions and how the work might be looked at in terms of an overall structure, both current and looking forward. It concludes by looking at current trends as they relate to the longer term and notes a need to move beyond the current “quantum level” restructuring approach toward more of an ongoing consideration of Study Group structure.
1515 — 1600 Session 4: Issues for developing countries

Objectives: this session will explain the importance of regional preparations and TSAG preparations for the WTSA-08, the action taken to facilitate the participation and understanding of developing countries in the activities of ITU-T. Other issues like how to develop a Question or Resolution of particular interest for the Americas.
Facilitating participation in ITU-T activities: Mr. Paolo Rosa, Head, Workshops and Promotion Division, TSB, ITU

One of the main issues in ITU and ITU-T in particular is the participation of regional members’ experts in ITU-T meetings. Reasons for the low participation can be found in distance, budgets, technical preparation. This presentation shows possibilities and available means as candidates to encourage and implement remote participation and a project introducing the possibility to held standardization regional “block” meetings to meet Requirements concerning standardization gap, regional presence, capacity building and membership increase.
WTSA-08 : Issues for developing countries: Mr. Simao Campos, Counsellor, ITU-T SG 16, ITU
Strengthening involvement of developing countries in ICT standards development: Mr. Oscar Avellaneda, Senior Manager, NGN Architecture, Industry Canada

The presentation titled "Strengthening Involvement of Developing Counties in ICT Standards Development" will focus on the issue of participation - a key to help bridge the standardization divide. The presentation defines the standardization divide and examines its dimensions which are all linked to the issue of participation. Standardization stakeholders are defined and reasons are reviewed why it is important for stakeholders to participate in standards development.

The presentation makes the case that society, both economically and socially, is inextricably tied to ICTs. The ICT infrastructure is converging into an IP network that enables a new “Everything over IP” world where everyone and everything is connected. Global ICT standards development is a key tool that helps deal with the complexities of convergence. Therefore, to address the standardization divide, the presentation posits that the issue of participation in standards development must be addressed.

Solutions and best practices from other international organizations to enhance developing country participation are reviewed and proposed to be adopted and modified by the ITU to help in its efforts to bridge the ICT standardization divide. The presentation outlines practical actions that can help address barriers to accessibility. The presentation concludes with a call to action for the participants to expand upon the ideas presented and identify additional efforts for the ITU to help overcome other barriers to participation in the Americas.
1600 — 1630 Coffee break
1630 — 1730 Session 5: Open discussion

Discuss region concerns and adoption of strategies to enhance participation of the Americas region in future ITU-T Study Group activities. In particular consider Study Group restructuring, chairmanships and vice-chairmanships for Study Groups and TSAG.

Presentation of contributions by countries and sector members
1930 Dinner
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The ITU Americas region WTSA-08 Preparatory Meeting, Day 2, 22 May 2008  
0900 — 1030 Session 6: Open discussion

Status of implementation of WTSA-04 issues – Lessons review and updating of existing resolutions and propositions of new resolutions
1030 — 1100 Coffee break
1100 — 1230 Session 7: Open discussion

Discussion on Study Groups restructuring and candidacies for chairs and vice chairmen for SG and TSAG
1230 — 1400 Lunch
1400 — 1600 Session 8: Open discussion

Bridging the standardization gap and proposals to enhance the participation in ITU-T current new and emerging activities including accessibility, cybersecurity and WSIS implementation.
1600 — 1630 Coffee break
1630 — 1730 Session 9

Conclusion of the discussion and review of draft texts to be adopted (if any).
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