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 ITU Forum “Bridging the ICT standardization and development gap between developed and developing countries”
 Kigali, Rwanda, 2-4 October 2007 Contact: 


Cornelius Fotindong FONZOUK (Cameroon)


- 1990 – 1993: Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics at the University of Yaounde;
- 1997 – 1999: Master of Science Degree (Physics) at the University of Buea, Cameroon;
- 1999 – 2001: Diploma of Telecommunications Engineer (ITT) at the Advanced School of Posts & Telecommunications, Yaounde – Cameroon.


03/02/2004 – 12/03/04: Professional Training on “Rural Telecommunication Planning” organised by the ITU Association of Japan (ITU-AJ) in collaboration with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) at:
- Japan Radio Corporation (JRC), Tokyo – Japan;
- Fujitsu Engineering Company, Tokyo – Japan;
- Nippon Electronic Company (NEC), Tokyo – Japan
- NTT Earth Station, Yamaguchi – Japan


2001 – 2005:

From 2001 to 2005, I worked in the Department of Planning and
Telecommunications Studies at the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications as the
head of the internal telecommunications network section.

From 2005 – 2007:

From 2005 to today, I work in the Department of Infrastructures and Access Networks to Information and Communication Technologies, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Yaounde, Cameroon. Here I am Chief of Service for Emergency Telecommunications.


I have participated in the following conferences and seminars.

1st – 5th April 2003: Participation at the ITU-organised Africa Region Meeting in preparation to the World Radiocommunications Conference (WRC) 2003; Libreville – Gabon.
12th – 15th August 2003: Participation at the seminar on the “Technical Control Mechanisms and Methods of Quality of Service in Telecommunications”; Yaounde – Cameroon.
1st – 5th December 2003: Participation in the seminar on the “Introduction to Regulation, Interconnection Services, Policies and Implementation for Fixed Networks” organised by the Commonwealth Telecommunication organisation (CTO); London – UK.
28th March – 1st April 2005: Participation in the seminar on the “Design of Telecommunications Networks Using VSAT technology” organised by the Commonwealth Telecommunication Organisation (CTO) and the Telecommunications Regulatory Board (TRB); Yaounde – Cameroon.
23rd – 24th March 2007: Participation in the Commonwealth Connects International e-Partnership Summit, New Delhi, India.

Dr Tim Kelly is Head of the Standardization Policy Division of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), where he has worked since 1993. Before joining ITU he spent five years as a Communications Policy Analyst with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and three years with Logica Consultancy Ltd. He has an MA (Hons) degree in Geography and a Ph.D in industrial economics from Cambridge University.

Over the last twenty years, Dr Kelly has specialised in the economics of the telecommunications industry. He has written or co-authored more than 30 books on the subject including the ITU's “Internet Reports” and “World Information Society Reports”. He was in charge of the “content team” for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), which concluded in November 2005. He is a visiting scholar at the business school of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Wilfried LANGE (Federal Network Agency Germany)

After obtaining a degree in electrical engineering from Ruhr-University in Germany and after two years employment in the British telecommunications industry developing software for a gateway exchange Mr. Lange joined the Deutsche Bundespost (Germany) in 1980. He was responsible for the specifications of Signalling System No.7 in Germany and the interconnection of the national ISDN with GSM networks and the international network.

With the liberalisation of the German telecommunications sector Mr. Lange took up service with the German Regulator (1990). He is Head of Section and in charge of standardisation and technical regulation of universal services and open network provision. As part of that he is occupied at present with the migration from circuit-switched to IP-switched networks, the introduction of the xDSL infrastructure and the technical consequences on emergency calling.

Mr. Lange has been active in national and international standardisation bodies for 25 years, particularly in CCITT/ITU-T, CEPT and ETSI - mainly in switching, signalling and service control. In Study Period 1988 - 92 he served as Vice Chairman of Study Group XI."
Silas LWAKABAMBA  (Chairman of Board of Rwanda Information Technology Authority — RITA & Rector of National University of Rwanda)

Professor Silas Lwakabamba has been Rector at the National University of Rwanda (NUR) since July 2006. He received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Leeds, England, in 1975, and subsequently worked as Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Associate Dean, and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, for 10 years.

In 1985, Prof. Silas Lwakabamba joined the UN-Sponsored African Regional Centre for Engineering Design and Manufacturing (ARCEDEM), based in Nigeria, as a founding Director of Training and Extension Services. For 12 years, he was responsible for organizing many workshops and training programmes for the benefit of the entire region. It is from this post that Prof. Lwakabamba was called in 1997 by the Government of Rwanda to establish the Kigali Institute of Science Technology and Management (KIST). He held the position of Rector of KIST from October 1997 to June 2006 when he was transferred to the position he currently holds as Rector at NUR.

Since 1975, Prof. Lwakabamba has been a member of several boards and committees at the national, sub-regional and international levels. These include membership of the Executive Board of UNESCO, African Virtual University (AVU) Board of Directors, Governing Council for Africa of the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP), Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Rwandan Parastatal telephone company (RwandaTel), Chairperson of the Rwanda Information Technology Authority (RITA), President of the Institution of Engineers of Rwanda, amongst others.

In November 2001, he was elected a Fellow of the World Innovation Foundation based in UK, in February 2003, he was awarded the UICEE Silver Badge of Honour for Distinguished Contributions to Engineering Education at the 6th UICEE Annual Conference on Engineering Education, held in Cairns, Australia, and in November 2005, he received an Honourary Doctor of Technology Degree from Glasgow Caledonian University in the United Kingdom.

He has had over 50 articles published in international journals and conference proceedings in the areas of combustion, higher education, science and technology, energy and power production.

David has worked in the Telecommunications Industry for over 40 years with experience of Manufacturing, the Service Industry, Mobile Networks and has been employed at all levels from technician to a member of the Executive Board of Directors.

David’s experience is not limited to the United Kingdom since his work has taken him to over 120 countries, including all continents. In recent years he has been an active member of several International organisations and he was Chairman of the Telecommunications Development Advisory Group of the International Telecommunications Union between 2003 and 2006.

Working with Governments and Universities David has designed a number of academic programmes, which specifically address the shortfalls in knowledge of human resources as they progress to the emerging liberalised communications organisations. With Cable & Wireless’s support David developed an on-line Academy and a number of e-Education and e-Training programmes were made available via the Internet. Scholarships have been made available to the USTTI, UKTA and ITU. Scholarship support was also available to study full-time at a number of Universities specialising in the issues of communications management. On behalf of the ITU a Master of Regulation & Policy was specified and this has been developed and delivered by The University of the West Indies. The intention is that the UK designed Masters Degrees will shortly be delivered in China, Pakistan and Rwanda.

David is currently a Visiting Professor of Telecommunications to Coventry University and also NUEM, SWUN and BUPT (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications) in the Peoples Republic of China. Moreover David delivers modules of the Master of Communications Management as a Visiting Professor at KIST, Rwanda.

David’s work with the British Government in respect of innovative scholarship schemes was recognised in the Queens Birthday Honours in 2003 where he received the OBE.
Marie-Claire MUKASINE (Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency — RURA)

De 2002 à ce jour : Directeur Général de la Société Nouvelle d'Assurances du Rwanda

De 1996 à 2002 : Respectivement Directeur de Cabinet et Secrétaire Général au Ministère du Genre et de la Promotion de la famille

De 1994 à 1996 : Secrétaire Exécutive de l'Association pour la défense des Droits de la femme et de l'enfant;

De 1988 à 2004 : Juge de tribunal de Première Instance

De 1983 à 1988 : Chef de bureau des Affaires Juridiques au Ministère de l'Enseignement Primaire et Seconcaire.

Actuellement, Président du Conseil de Régulation de l'Agence Rwandaise de Régulation des Services d'Utilité publique (RURA).

Licenciée en Droit de l'Université Nationale du Rwanda en 1983 MBA en Administration publique de Maastricht School of Management en 2004
Hon. Minister Romain MURENZI, Minister of state in charge of Science and Technologies

Professor Murenzi returned to Rwanda, his country of birth, to be appointed Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Scientific Research in August 2001. He completed his initial education in Burundi with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from the University of Burundi. He was awarded Master of Science in Physics in 1986 and PHD in 1990 from the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. He was appointed Chair and Professor of the Department of Physics at Clark Atlanta University, USA. He has a number of major research interests including continuous wavelets application to multidimensional signal processing. He also has around seventy published articles and conference papers to his credit. As Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Scientific Research he was committed to the expansion and modernisation of the Rwanda education system. In March 2006 he was appointed as Minister in President's Office in Charge of Science, Technology, and Scientific Research.
Arshey ODEDRA  (TSB)
  • Has worked in Telecomms standards for over 20 years and prior to that for several years in Systems Design & Development including Software + Testing of Aero, Defence and Telecoms Systems.
    • Was ITU-T Rapporteur for AAL ATM Adaptation Layer Standardization in Study Period 1992-1996.
    • Introduced and led to completion standardization of AAL-Type-5 in the ITU-T.
  • ITU-T Counsellor - since 1996 - responsible for Signalling Requirements & Protocols and supporting NGN (Next Generation Networks) Standardization work in ITU-T.
  • Holds - University Upper 2nd B. Tech. Honours Degree: Aeronautical Engineering and Design: Loughborough University of Technology, UK
  • Professional Qualifications held:
    • CEng (Chartered Engineer; MBCS (Member of British Computer Society)
    • Eur. Ing. (European Engineer),
    • SMAIAA (Senior Member of American Inst Aeronautics & Astronautics)
    • AMRAeS (Assoc. Member Royal Aeronautical Society)
    • AMIMechE (Assoc. Member of Inst. Of Mechanical Engineers)
  • Has been a Presenter for several years at many International Conferences, Seminars and Workshops covering Standardization, Signalling, NGN and Convergence.
  • Languages: English, Spanish, Gujarati, Hindi, French, + some Swahily.
Pierre-André PROBST 
Chair, ITU-T SG 16
OFCOM/ Switzerland

Mr Pierre-André Probst has been a major contributor to the ITU-T work, starting back in 1970s as a delegate, then WP Chair and Study Group Chairman in the 1993-1996 Study Period. Since 1997 he is the chair of SG 16 where he has helped flourish the multimedia work in ITU–from modems to videoconferencing and VoIP to audio and video coding–and has significantly contributed to the organization of many ITU-T workshops and related events. In parallel with his ITU-T participation, he led a very active professional life at Swisscom with a full range of responsibilities; starting as an Engineer, he retired a few years ago as Member of the Management Board and Executive Vice President for Corporate Operations. Now he acts as independent consultant in the area of ICT.
Jeffrey SPAGNOLA (Vice President, Worldwide Service Provider Marketing Cisco Systems, Inc.)

With 16 years tenure at Cisco Systems, Jeff Spagnola leads Cisco’s Worldwide Service Provider Marketing organization as Vice President since October 2004, where he is responsible for the marketing of Cisco’s solutions and technologies to service providers worldwide. As a leader of Cisco’s Service Provider Business Council, Jeff participates in the development and execution of Cisco’s Service Provider strategy. In addition to his marketing role, Jeff is responsibility for the acceleration of advanced technologies through the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and other key standards bodies. Jeff is a frequent speaker at both industry conferences and standards forums and is a spokesperson for Cisco’s service provider strategy.

Jeff recently took on the position of board chair for the Center for Telecom Management (CTM), an industry-sponsored center at the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business, devoted to research and education to help the networked digital industry and its customers grow and prosper. Jeff also sits on the board of NXTcomm, the largest tradeshow in the United States for service providers.

Jeff has cultivated his extensive networking experience through a number of leadership roles in Cisco’s service provider and enterprise field organizations. Prior to his role as vice president, Jeff was a leader of Cisco’s mobile operator customer segment and responsible for sales, strategy and operations for mobile operators within the United States. Jeff spent an additional two years leading the service provider challenger segment and independent operating companies (IOC) throughout the United States. Previous to these sales roles, Jeff was in service provider marketing managing the implementation of the Cisco Powered Network program and service provider alliance programs outside of the United States. In addition to many years working with service provider customers, Jeff had held various field leadership roles in Cisco’s enterprise sales organization focused on large customers based in Northern California.

Prior to joining Cisco in 1991, Jeff spent eight years in working for NCR Corporation, Case Communications Ltd., and Develcon Electronics. Jeff holds a Bachelors of Science degree from the University of Dayton located in Dayton, Ohio. Jeff and his wife live in Los Gatos, California with their two children Jeffrey (15) and Carly (13).
Thomas Senaji (Telkom Kenya)

Eng. Thomas Senaji holds a Masters degree in Business Administration specializing in strategic management and a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering with extensive training in ICT planning, engineering, operations, maintenance and management spanning over 16 years.

He has served on many expert ICT Taskforces and Committees including the East African Internet Exchange point (EAIXP), the Committee on Interconnection Guidelines among East African Community Partner states; and as chairman of the telecommunication working committee (TWC) of the East African Regulatory Posts and Telecommunication Organization, EARPTO.

He has served as Head of Date Services in Telkom Kenya where he has managed relations with all ICT stakeholders in Kenya and in East African Region; as Head of Regulatory and Government relations portfolio in addition to many other engineering and management functions. He has worked on signaling systems, NGN, GSM and CDMA and carried out service provision and supervision including operation and maintenance and quality of service assurance.

He serves as a Director and Board member of Jambo Telkom limited, an ISP and is a member of the Institution of Engineers of Kenya; and a registered engineer with the Engineers Registration Board of Kenya.

His current interests are in access to ICTs for human development.

ENGINEERING, Manchester University, England
July 1985

MEIZ (Member of Engineering Institute of Zambia)
Certificates in Business Planning, Marketing
Finance and Management skills.

Certificates in various courses attended in International
Training attended: Telecommunications Training Institutes in the areas of design, management, administration and operations of all Network Elements and Subsystems of a Cellular Network, other Wireless Systems and 3G Technologies.

Currently, ITU Senior Advisor for Network Management and Development for Eastern and Southern Africa.
Previously, Project Manager for study and design of remote wireless communications solutions, GSM D900 Cellular Network Administration, Maintenance and Operations Manager, CDMA Cellular Network Systems and Radio Engineer, International Computers Field Services Computer Engineer ,
Radio and Transmission Planning Telecommunications Engineer.

Thorough knowledge of the world’s telecommunications trends, convergence, 3G technologies and of general environment of telecommunications in Africa.

Participation in the Ministry of Science and Technology activities in Zambia as a Role Model. Active participation in the Communications industry in Zambia
Peter ULANGA (Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority)

Engineer Peter Ulanga works as a Principal Telecommunications Engineer at the Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority with responsibility on ICT development, telecom standards, and management of the National Numbering Plan. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Engineering from University of Dar es Salaam, a Master’s degree in Business Administration from University of Southern Queensland, Australia and Master’s degree in Science from University of Essex in United Kingdom. His professional interests are in passive optical networks on the access, and next generation networks deployments. He also has keen interest on issues related to Internet governance, ICT for sustainable development and ICT economics particularly on interconnection.
John VISSER (Nortel)

John Visser earned a Bachelor of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of British Columbia in 1973. After gaining practical experience in diverse areas within military communications as an officer in the Canadian Forces, John joined Bell-Northern Research, then the R&D arm of Nortel, in 1978. He has been involved in key network standards, systems engineering, planning, product design, and product line management support for many years. He has an extensive background in SS7, ISDN, Intelligent Networks and mobile networks, and has held a series of positions of increasing responsibility, both internally and within standards bodies, in these areas over his career with Nortel. Together with prior activities in ANSI T1, TIA, other areas in ITU, and the 3G Partnership Projects, John is very active in International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) standardization work in ITU T. In October 2000, John was appointed Chairman of the ITU-T Special Study Group (SSG) on "IMT-2000 and Beyond." In October 2004, he was appointed Chairman of the successor to the SSG, Study Group 19 “Mobile Telecommunication Networks”. The SSG and SG 19 has been successfully globalizing the 3GPP and 3GPP2 specifications as adopted by their organizational partners, and progressing the vision and requirements for the core network infrastructure of next generation mobile systems. The latter includes inter-system mobility management, and the convergence of fixed and mobile networks. John is a member of the Advisory Board of the Advanced Software Engineering Research and Training (ASERT) Laboratories at the University of Ottawa and Carleton University. He is a regular guest lecturer at Carleton University and a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars. John is a Registered Professional Engineer in the province of Ontario and a member of IEEE.


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