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ITU-T Workshop on "Delivering Good Quality Telecommunication Service in a Safe Environment in Africa"
Nairobi, Kenya, 26 - 27 July 2010 Contact: 
Kwame Baah-Acheamfour (Senior Manager, National Communications Authority, Ghana

In December 2006, Kwame took up the responsibility of the Planning, Monitoring and Compliance of Quality of Service Standards at the National Communications Authority, Ghana. He successfully coordinated the decongestion of eleven interconnect routes among the 5 Telecom Operators in his first 3 months. He facilitated the consultations and the procurement of QoS Monitoring equipment.

Prior to this, Kwame worked as a Radio Network Engineer with Ghana Telecom (now Vodafone Ghana) for two and half years. Before then, he started his engineering career as a Transmission Operations and Maintenance Engineer for two and half years with Ghana Telecom after graduating from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology with Bachelor of Science Honours in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Majors in Telecommunications and Electronics).

Kwame now holds a Masters in Business Administration (Project Management) and has been a conference speaker to various audiences including the first ITU-T Study Group 12 Regional Africa Group meeting in Accra, Ghana.
Thomas Barmüller, Director Europe, Middle East and Africa, Mobile Manufacturers Forum

Thomas Barmüller is MMF’s Director for Europe, Middle East and Africa and responsible for the co-ordination of the association’s activities in the region.

Immediately prior to joining the MMF, Mr. Barmüller was Managing Director of the Austrian Forum Mobilkommunikation from 2000 to 2006. He also served as a Member of the Austrian parliament from 1990 to 1999, focused on infrastructure issues, telecommunication and environment.

He graduated as Master of Laws at the University of Graz, Austria.
Fouad Abdillahi Barreh, GSM Engineer, Mobile Networks Management, Djibouti-Telecom, Djibouti

Mr Fouad Abdillahi Barreh holds a four year Bachelor degree in the field of communications engineers, minored in Business Administration, from the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM). Currently pursuing a Master of Business Administration at the Open University of Malaysia (OUM), he is presently working as a Telecom engineer at Djibouti-Telecom Company. Among his interests are the antennas propagation and modeling out of which he has co-written a paper on IEEE journal on the subject of adaptive smart antennas. Mr. Fouad is also a member of ITU-T SG12 focusing on Africa Regional Group on Quality of Service/Quality of Experience. Eng. Fouad has received intensive training from as diverse as organizations such as Huawei (China), Sagem Communications (France), the African eDevelopment Resources Center (AeDRC-Kenya) and the United State Telecommunications Training Institute (USA).
Leo K. Boruett, Assistant Director, Frequency Planning, CCK, Kenya

Leo K. Boruett is currently working with Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK) as Assistant Director responsible for Frequency Planning.

Eng. Boruett has a MPhil degree in Information Engineering and a Bachelors degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in Kenya.

Eng. Boruett has been working in the communications sector in Kenya for the last 19 years.
Christophe Capitaine, Wavecontrol, Spain

Christophe Capitaine graduated with a diploma of Business school in France. He is now working with Wavecontrol and develop solution to measure the electromagnetic field coming from for example mobile telephone base station.
James Chumba, Senior Radiation Protection Officer, Radiation Protection Board, Kenya

Mr. Keter is a Radiophysicist at the Radiation Protection Board, Kenya’s regulatory authority on matters of ionizing radiation, since 2003. He enforces the Radiation Protection Act and the regulations there under to ensure safety of workers, environment and members of the public from harmful effect of ionizing radiation. He has a BSc (Physics) and Msc (Nuclear Science) from the University of Nairobi, Kenya.

He is a member of the Technical Working Committee on Non Ionizing Radiation (NIR) - committee mandated to carry out measurements and inspection of communication and other NIR installations in Kenya. Over the years, he has acted as a resource person in local seminars, workshops of stakeholders in the area of radiation protection and nuclear science. He participates in the regional intercomparison and calibration exercise of nuclear detection equipment at a Secondary Standards Dosimetry Laboratory (SSDL).

Mr. Keter has been the National Project Coordinator of International Atomic Energy Agency’s Technical Cooperation project titled “Nuclear Security Implementation Support” – RAF/9/036. He is currently coordinates the project titled “Developing human resources in Nuclear Security” – RAF/9/041.

He is an Associate Member of the Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) and the former Secretary General and full Member of the Eastern Africa Association for Radiation Protection (EAARP), an associate society of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA). Mr. Keter has an interest in NIR and has been very resourceful in the efforts of putting in place a draft law to incorporate NIR component in the existing Radiation Protection Act for Kenya.
Emilie van Deventer, Scientist, Radiation & Environmental health, World Health Organization (WHO) 

Dr. Emilie van Deventer is the Team Leader of the Radiation Programme (RAD) at the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland. She heads the International EMF Project and the Ultraviolet Intersun Programme relating to public health protection from non-ionizing radiation.

Dr van Deventer received her PhD in electrical engineering from the University of Michigan, USA in 1992, and was a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Toronto in Canada from 1992 to 2000.
Damaso Evuy, Ibys Technologies S.A

A mixture background, Senior Sales role, technical consultancy, and a part time academic work in business educations. Over the last 9 years, developing business in the field of OSS & BSS, especially in the field of SQM ( Service Quality management) and Traffic Management application. Senior Sales manager for a large list of leading providers of high performance Testing & Measurement Solutions and Services Platforms into IT/Telecom industry

Business activities in the EMEA region, especially, Iberia, Maghreb, Africa Sub-Saharan region and Middle East.

Currently, Senior Sales Consultant at IBYS Technology, Responsible to extend the company business in the Middle East and Africa region. Prior as,
Senior Sales Manager. NEXUS Telecom,
Channel Manager. SIGOS System-Int. GmbH.,
Key Account Manager. NETtest-Anritsu,
Global Support Manager. OCTEL Messaging Division, 

High Education in Business & People Mgmt. LOREZEN School. Vienna, Austria
Master Degree in Technology business. University Polytechnic of Madrid.
Technology Engineer. University Polytechnic of Madrid

Broad understanding of the telecom industry business.  
Cynthia Jansen, Botswana

Cynthia Jansen (MIET, MSc in Operational Communication(UK), BEng Honours in Telecommunication (UK), City and Guilds part III in electrical and Electronics)

Cynthia Jansen joined Botswana Telecommunication Corporation (BTC) in 1988 as a trainee technician. Worked at BTC from 1990 – 2003 on the Switching Department doing maintenance on Ericsson Switches and doing manement of the Botswana Network as well as quality of service reports. In July 2003 joined the Botswana Telecommunication Authority as a telecommunication engineer focusing on Frequency and Spectrum allocation, monitoring and management of the spectrum. Ensuring that telecommunication and radio standards are adhered and telecommunication and radio equipment are type approval according to laid down procedures.  
Judit Katona Kiss, Counsellor, ITU-T SGs 5 & 12, ITU/TSB

Judit Katona-Kiss graduated with a diploma in Electrical Engineering from Technical University of Budapest, Hungary in 1975. She was a scientific researcher for twelve years in the Research Institute of the Hungarian PTT, she worked mainly in Computer aided transmission planning. In 1987 she joined CCITT (now ITU-TSB) as engineer and now as counsellor for Study Groups 5 and 12.
Derick Simiyu Khamali - Compliance and Enforcement Officer - Communication Commission of Kenya

Derick is an Engineer by profession from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. He has worked in several institutions at different capacities including technical sales, consumer protection and safety, radio and telecommunications equipment installations, industry liaisons for vendors and contractors. He currently works with the Communications Commission of Kenya as a Compliance and Enforcement officer. The role encompasses planning & executing technical and administrative inspections for all the telecommunication licensees to ensure only eligible operators are on the ground. This involves monitoring to ensure that quality service is provided in a safe environment. He has vast experience in monitoring, analysis and reporting quality of service for Mobile phone operators. Mr. Simiyu also doubles up as the engineer in charge of measuring EMF radiations in the NIR exercise that the Commission is engaged in in collaboration with the radiation protection Board.
Paul Kiage, Manager/Projects M&E, CCK

Paul Kiage works for the Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK), the telecommunications regulatory authority in Kenya as a Manager / Projects Monitoring and Evaluation. For the last four years, he has managed and evaluated universal access projects in Kenya on behalf of CCK. He is a professionally qualified Population Scientist / Statistician with extensive M&E experience in development projects performance monitoring and evaluation spanning over 12 years. He has acquired practical experience in project development and implementation management through working with local, regional organizations as well the continental body, the African Union (AU) as Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist. His central areas of expertise are projects design, data analysis, capacity building and monitoring and evaluation of development oriented projects. Paul is married to one, Jackie and is blessed with one son and two daughters.
J. M. Kilaba, Deputy Director, Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority, (TCRA)

James M. Kilaba is currently working with Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) as Deputy Director responsible for development of Information and Communication Technologies.

Eng. Kilaba has a Masters degree in Telecommunications and Information Systems and a Bachelors degree in Electronics & Communications Engineering. He also holds a Diploma in Development and Management of Small Businesses & Industries. Additionally, he and has completed a postgraduate Diploma course in Business Administration.

He is a Registered Professional Engineer in Tanzania and is a Senior Member of the Institution of Engineers in Tanzania. He has also been a Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for more than twelve years.

Eng. Kilaba has been working in the communications sector regulation for more than fifteen years. Over this period he has been a pioneer in many ICT development initiatives as well as active participant in the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Standardization and Development activities.

During the ITU World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly 2008 (WTSA-08) held in Johannesburg South Africa in October 2008, Eng. James Kilaba was elected Vice Chairman of the ITU-T Study Group 2 for the 2009- 2012 study period.

He has also undertaken AFRALTI and ITU Missions at different occasions.
Liston Kirui, Manager, Consumer Affairs, CCK, Kenya

Liston Kirui is a manager in the Consumer Affairs of the Communications Commission of Kenya. Mr. Kirui holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics and Mathematics from Egerton University. Mr. Kirui previously served in the Kenya Posts & Telecommunications Corporation (now defunct) between 1992 and 1998 and later joined the Communications Commission of Kenya in 1999. He is currently involved in the planning and undertaking of the Commission’s consumer protection and empowerment activities.
Simon Koffi, Radio Communication Director, ATCI

Né le 09 mars 1959 à TANDA, Côte d’Ivoire et il est père de deux (02) enfants, et ingénieur en télécommunication, diplômé de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Postes et Télécommunications (ENSPT) d’Abidjan en 1984, il a travaillé à COTE D’IVOIRE TELECOM (opérateur historique) où il a acquis une somme d’expériences dans les systèmes de radiocommunications fixe et mobile et exerce actuellement à l’Agence des Télécommunications de Côte d’Ivoire, le régulateur du secteur.

Il a été le coordonnateur national du projet d’élaboration de plans directeurs radio maritime pour l’Afrique initié par l’UIT et est co-président du groupe de travail mixte UIT-R/UIT-D sur la Résolution 9 pour la période d’études 2006- 2010.
Guy-Michel Kouakou, Côte d’Ivoire

Guy-Michel Kouakou is the Vice-chair of Study Group 5 and Chairman of SG5 Regional Group for Africa.

He is Deputy-Director of Quality at ATCI, the Ivorian telecommunication regulator.

He has been working on EMF issues since 2007.
Fryderyk Lewicki, Antennas and EMC Manager, Telekomunikacja Polska

Fryderyk Lewicki received MSc and PhD degrees from the Wroclaw University of Technology (Poland). He is also a graduate at several telecommunication programs provided on the United States Telecommunication Training Institute in Washington DC (1990-1992). Since 1985 he joined the Research and Development Division (Orange Labs Poland) of Polish Telecom (Telekomunikacja Polska) where he has a position of the Manager on Antennas, Propagation and EMC. Other positions and activities: the Rapporteur for ITU-T SG5 Question 3 on Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) due to Radio Systems and Mobile Equipment, participation in the ITU-R SG3 Radiowave propagation, Chair of the Polish Chapter of the IEEE EMC Society, a member of the IEEE Antenna and Propagation and IEEE Broadcasting Societies. The main fields of activity are: antenna systems, radiowave propagation, protection against radiation and EMC.
Dr. Bitange Ndemo (Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information and Communications, Kenya)

Dr. Bitange Ndemo is the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information and Communications.

Prior to his appointment as Permanent Secretary, Dr. Ndemo was a Senior Lecturer at the University of Nairobi’s Business School, where he taught entrepreneurship, management and research methods. Most of his research work centres on Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya with emphasis on Social Enterprise.

Dr. Ndemo holds a PhD in Industrial Economics from the University of Sheffield in the UK, an MBA and bachelors degree in Finance and Accounting from the University of Minnesota. In the early 1990s, he was a Financial Systems Analyst at Medtronic Inc., a Fortune 500 company in the USA.

His current position entails policy formulation, and overseeing implementation of ICT projects. Dr. Ndemo has been involved in initiatives to lower the cost of accessing ICTs (connectivity, hardware and software) in Kenya and the region. His priority has been to connect East Africa to the rest of the World through the under- sea fibre optic cable. He is at the forefront of developing the demand side of ICTs by actively promoting Business Process Outsourcing in both urban and rural areas.

By virtue of his current position, Dr. Ndemo sits at the Boards of the Postal Corporation of Kenya, Telkom Kenya, Kenya Film Commission, and the Kenya ICT Board.  
Mwende Njiraini, Telecommunications Engineer, CCK, Kenya

Mwende Njiraini currently works as telecommunications engineer at the Communications Commission of Kenya. She is responsible for research in new and emerging technologies, development of new standards and industry code for new technologies and services in particular voice over internet protocol (VoIP) and cybersecurity and evaluation of the environmental impact of information and communication technologies and development of appropriate safeguards

She holds a Master of Communications Management in Business Management from Coventry University, 2009, a Master in Communications Management from University of Strathclyde, 2006 and a bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Communication Technology, Moi University, 1998.
Charles J.K. Njoroge (Director General, Communications Commission of Kenya, CCK)

Mr. Charles J.K. Njoroge is the Director - General and CEO of the Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK). He was appointed to the position in July 2008.

Until his appointment, Mr. Njoroge, an Economist, was the Director in charge of Competition, Tariffs and Market Analysis. In that position, he was responsible for economic regulation, which entails policy formulation; competition and market analysis; price regulation which includes tariffs and interconnection issues; universal access and funding and statistics.

Mr. Njoroge joined CCK on 1999 at its inception. He previously worked for the defunct Kenya Posts and Telecommunications Corporation as a Senior Telecommunications Economist. His experience in the sector spans over 25 years.

Mr. Njoroge has spearheaded a number of seminal studies at CCK. These include the Universal Access study which gave birth to the CCK’s Universal Access strategy in 2005, and set the foundation for the country’s international (TEAMs) and national (FONN) fibre optic connectivity. He coordinated the carrying out of the Telecommunications Network Cost Study that saw the reduction of retail and interconnect rates for mobile telecommunications charges in the country. He also oversaw the carrying out of an Internet Market study, which among others identified factors hindering the development of the Internet subsector in Kenya. In addition he was instrumental in the set up of KENIC, the ccTLD, the KENET project and other initiatives such as the digitization of secondary education among others.

Mr. Njoroge holds an MA in Development Economics from Dalhousie University, Canada, a BA in Economics from the University of Nairobi, Kenya, and a Postgraduate Certificate in Telecommunications Regulation from University of Westminster, UK. He holds a number of certificates from some of the leading training institutions from the US in the area of ICT Regulation and Management.
Tahitii Obioha, Network Planning & Optimisation Engineer, Planet Network International

Tahitii Obioha holds a B.Eng in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Federal University of Technology Owerri Nigeria, a diploma in Mobile Communications from Telecoms Academy (UK) and a M.S in Telecommunication Systems and IT Networking from Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse France.

He is currently involved in recent deployment of UMTS 900 in France. Prior to joining PLANET NETWORK INTERNATIONAL in 2008, Tahitii spent a year as a consultant at Nokia Siemens Networks, planning and optimizing 2G and 3G networks for major mobile operators in France.

Tahitii is an active member of IEEE.
Crisphine J. Ogongo, Engineer, Licensing, Compliance and Standards, CCK, Kenya

Is an Engineer, Licensing, Compliance and Standards of the Communications Commission of Kenya, the regulatory authority of the communications sector in Kenya. Mr. Ogongo has 10 years experience in compliance monitoring including quality of services and has played a key role in the development of quality of service monitoring framework in Kenya. He holds a Bsc. Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Jomokenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology and a Master of Business Administration from Moi University.
Hon. Samuel Poghisio (Kenya’s Minister for Information and Communications and Member of Parliament for Kacheliba Constituency)

Hon. Samuel Poghisio is Kenya’s Minister for Information and Communications and Member of Parliament for Kacheliba Constituency.

A firm believer in the transformative power of ICTs, particularly the Internet, Hon. Poghisio has played key role in spearheading the growth of Kenya’s telecommunications industry. During his tenure at the Ministry of Information and Communications, Kenya has witnessed connectivity to the international fibre optic grid through the laying of three undersea fibre optic cables, one of which was spearheaded by the Government. To ensure utilization of the ensuing international broadband connectivity, the Ministry of Information and Communications has facilitated the construction of a national fibre optic network covering 5,000 kilometres linking all district headquarters in the country. The availability of broadband infrastructure has enhanced the country’s position as a player in the global business process outsourcing industry, and reduced Kenya’s over-reliance on satellite communications.

As a result of the favourable policy environment that the Minister has put in place, Kenya is one of the shining examples in mobile telephony and innovation. Kenya is also in the process of migrating to digital television broadcasting, an initiative that is being spearheaded by Hon. Poghisio.

An expert in the field of communication, Hon. Poghisio was a university lecturer prior to joining politics.
Joachim Pomy, Senior QoS Expert, OPTICOM, Germany

Joachim received his Diploma in Communications Engineering from Darmstadt Technical University in 1984. The same year he joined Telefonbau & Normalzeit in Frankfurt where he became responsible for PABX transmission planning, and approval, for mouth-to-ear voice quality and for perceptual evaluation of users' satisfaction. Since 1988 he is actively involved in related standardization efforts in ITU-T, ETSI, MESAQIN, BITKOM, TIA, T1A1 and IEEE. In 2002 Joachim was awarded the ETSI internal Service Medal for his achievements with the Asia-Pacific-Telecommunity (APT). In 2008 Joachim left his position in Frankfurt and started to work as a Freelance Consultant in Telecommunications & International Standards. Recently he completed successfully ITU project on QoS in Nepal, the Maldives and for Afghanistan. Currently, Joachim is leader of the an ETSI project on Fax and Modem over IP. Joachim has taken responsibility and leadership in ETSI STQ and ITU-T SG12 for more than one decade. Joachim serves as the editor for the promising new Recommendation P.863.
Jack Rowley, Director, Research & Sustainability GSM Association

The GSMA health program is run by Dr Jack Rowley, Director for Research and Sustainability, within the GSMA Public Policy Department. Jack has 19 years of experience in the telecommunications industry and joined the GSMA in 2000. Prior to that he worked for 10 years with Telstra (Australia) primarily in the Research Laboratories. He has given expert evidence in a number of planning hearings, been a member of international working groups and contributed to government panels. Jack has more than seventy publications and presentations on mobile communications safety and environmental issues. He holds an Electronics Engineering Degree with first class honours from the University of Limerick (Ireland) and a Ph.D. from the RMIT University (Australia). He is a member of the IEEE and the Bioelectromagnetics Society.
 Helen Nakiguli Sekasala, Environment Management Officer, UCC

Mrs. Helen N Sekasala is the Environmental Management Officer under the Research and Development section at the Uganda Communications Commission. She has worked with the Commission for 8 years and in theis position for 3 years. Her main responsibility is to ensure that all operations with in the communications sector are compliant to the relevant environmental requirements and standards.

Among others, she is in charge of monitoring and carrying out investigations related to EMF radiation from telecommunications infrastructure, giving technical advice to the National Environment Management Authority, NEMA, advising the ministry on policy issues related to environment in the sector (currently on the committee drafting the E-waste Management Policy of Uganda and development of Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Audit guidelines specific to the telecom sector)

She holds a degree in Environmental Engineering and Management from Kyambogo University, Kampala and a Post Graduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management from the Uganda Management Institute.
Paolo Vecchia, Chairman, International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiations Protection (ICNIRP)

Paolo Vecchia is Research Director at the National institute of Health in Rome, Italy. For more than thirty years he has been working in the field of Non Ionizing Radiation (NIR), performing both basic research and control activity aimed at the protection of workers and of the general public.

In the field of basic research, he has been involved mainly in studies on possible effects of electromagnetic fields on the immune system as well as in theoretical dosimetry. He has also collaborated to epidemiological studies relative to both low- and high-frequency fields.

Former President of the Italian Radiation Protection Association (AIRP) and the European Bioelectromagnetics Association (EBEA), he is presently Chairman of the International Commission on Non Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).
Daniel Waturu, Communications Commission of Kenya, Chairman, ITU-T SG 12 Regional Group for Africa

Mr. Waturu has worked in the telecommunications industry for the last 35 years. He graduated with a Diploma in Telecommunication from Kenya Polytechnic, Nairobi in 1977. While working with the then Kenya Posts and Telecommunications Corporation (now Telkom Kenya-the incumbent Telecoms operator), he undertook Advanced Telecommunication Technician course at then Kenya College of Communication Technology (now Multimedia University) covering radio, switching, line plant and transmission systems. Between 1983 and 1986, Mr. Waturu was seconded to Zimbabwe Posts and Telecommunications Corporation as an expatriate to improve and modernize that country’s telecommunication network (switching) in Harare.

After the liberalization of the Communication Sector in Kenya in 1998, he joined the Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK) as a telecommunication specialist and played an important role in the development of the telecommunication regulatory and licensing framework in Kenya. He has acquired a lot of experience on technical, policy and regulatory issues in telecommunications, through international training and benchmark visits. He has been received technical training from the following renowned organizations, among others; CTO, USTTI and UKTA .

He represents CCK at the SG12 meetings and is the current Chairman of ITU-T SG 12 Regional Group for Africa (RG-AFR) on QoS/QoE. He is currently the Manager in charge of Telecommunication Compliance at the Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK) mainly dealing with issues of quality of service.
Ahmed Zeddam, ITU-T SG5 Chair, France Telecom Orange, France

Ahmed ZEDDAM received a PhD in electromagnetic from the University of Lille. From 1979 to 1982, he was an assistant Professor of electronics at Lille I University. Since 1982, he has been employed at Research and Development Division of France Telecom in Lannion where he is head of a Research and Development Unit dealing with Electromagnetic Compatibility. Dr Zeddam is the author and co-author of about 100 scientific papers, published in reviewed journals and international conferences. He participated to the production of books related to EMC, including a reference book published in 2007.

He is also member of several Technical Committees of international standardisation bodies dealing with Electromagnetic Compatibility (ITU-T, IEC, CENELEC). He is currently Chairman of Study Group 5 of ITU-T and he is involved in Commission E "Electromagnetic Noise and Interference" of International Union of Radio Science (URSI). Dr Zeddam is also member of many scientific committees of national and international symposia on EMC.


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