-- LDIF module extracted from ITU-T H.350 (05/2011)

# Communication Object Schema # # Schema for Representing Communication Objects in an LDAP Directory # # Abstract # # This document defines the schema for representing Communication # objects in an LDAP directory [LDAPv3]. It defines schema elements # to represent a communication object [commObject]. # # # .1 = Communication related work # .1.2 = commObject # .1.2.1 = attributes # .1.2.2 = objectclass # .1.2.3 = syntax # # # Attribute Type Definitions # # The following attribute types are defined in this document: # # commUniqueId # commOwner # commPrivate dn: cn=schema changetype: modify # # if you need to change the definition of an attribute, # then first delete and re-add in one step # # if this is the first time you are adding the commObject # objectclass using this LDIF file, then you should comment # out the delete attributetypes modification since this will # fail. Alternatively, if your ldapmodify has a switch to continue # on errors, then just use that switch -- if you''re careful # delete: attributetypes attributetypes: ( NAME ''commUniqueId'' ) attributetypes: ( NAME ''commOwner'' ) attributetypes: ( NAME ''commPrivate'' ) - # # re-add the attributes -- in case there is a change of definition # # add: attributetypes attributetypes: ( NAME ''commUniqueId'' DESC ''To hold the endpoints unique Id'' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SUBSTR caseIgnoreIA5SubstringsMatch SYNTAX ) attributetypes: ( NAME ''commOwner'' DESC ''Labeled URI to point back to the original owner'' EQUALITY caseExactMatch SYNTAX ) attributetypes: ( NAME ''commPrivate'' DESC ''To decide whether the entry is visible to world or not'' SYNTAX ) - # Object Class Definitions # # The following object classes are defined in this document: # # commObject # # commObject # # delete: objectclasses objectclasses: ( NAME ''commObject'' ) - add: objectclasses objectclasses: ( NAME ''commObject'' DESC ''object that contains the Communication attributes'' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST commUniqueId MAY ( commOwner $ commPrivate ) ) - # # end of LDIF #