-- =============================================================================
--               GDMO definitions extracted from ITU-T Rec. G.774.4 (2001)
-- =============================================================================

connectionProtectionGroupR1  MANAGED OBJECT CLASS
  DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774.03":protectionGroupR1;
    connectionProtectionGroupPkgR1 PACKAGE
      BEHAVIOUR connectionProtectionGroupR1Behaviour;
        protectionCriteria    GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE;
        "Recommendation G.774.03":protectionSwitchReportingR1
    PRESENT IF "an instance supports it";
REGISTERED AS { g774-04MObjectClass 5 } ;

connectionProtectionGroupR1Behaviour BEHAVIOUR
    "This object class is used to model an automatic protection system for
    subnetwork connection protection. The protectionGroupType attribute
    indicates that the protection scheme used is 1+1 (plus). This object class
    is a focal point for management operations and notifications related to
    management of the protection system. Actual signal flow across the
    subnetwork connection protection is reflected by the connectivity pointers
    of the TPs involved in the subnetwork connection protection. At
    instantiation time of an instance of this class the protectionCriteria
    attribute is intitialized by local initial value.";

connectionProtection  MANAGED OBJECT CLASS
  DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774.03": protectionUnit;
    connectionProtectionPkg  PACKAGE
      BEHAVIOUR connectionProtectionBehaviour;
        switchStatus  GET,
        "Recommendation X.721": administrativeState GET-REPLACE,
        "Recommendation X.721": operationalState GET,
        "Recommendation M.3100": signalType  GET,
        "Recommendation M.3100": directionality GET;
        "Recommendation X.721": stateChange,
        "Recommendation X.721": objectDeletion,
        "Recommendation X.721": objectCreation;;;
REGISTERED AS { g774-04MObjectClass 2 };

connectionProtectionBehaviour BEHAVIOUR
    "This object class is used to represent the assignment between an unreliable
    resource (TP) and a reliable resource (TP) for the purpose of subnetwork
    connection protection. This object class has properties of a
    cross-connection since it represents a flexible assignment of termination
    points in the context of subnetwork protection, according to Recommendation
    G.803. The directionality attribute represents the type of traffic which
    flows through the connection protection (CP). It can be either:

    - Bidirectional - The traffic flow is passing between the unreliable and the
      reliable resource in both directions.

    - Unidirectional - The traffic flow is unidirectional and passing from the
      unreliable to the reliable resource.

    The Unreliable Resource Pointer (URP) points to one termination point which
    represents one of the alternatives for the protection system. The URP points
    to a TP according to the directionality of the CP, i.e.:

    - the URP of a Bidirectional CP must point to a Bidirectional TP or GTP;

    - the URP of an Unidirectional CP must point to a Sink TP or GTP, or to a
      Bidirectional TP or GTP.

    The Unreliable Resource Pointer points to Null when the corresponding
    (unreliable) TP has been temporarily disconnected from the connection
    protection. The crossConnectionObjectPointer of the corresponding TP points
    to the connectionProtection. The Reliable Resource Pointer points either:

    - to Null in the case of a Protecting Connection Protection; or

    - to a Termination Point (CTP or TTP) or GTP instance that represents one
      end of the subnetwork connection in the case of a protected Connection Protection.

    This termination point shall have the same signal type than the CTP or GTP
    representing the unreliable resource used for protection. The
    crossConnectionObjectPointer of the corresponding TP points to the

    The attribute Signal Type describes the signal that is cross-connected. The
    termination points or GTPs that are cross-connected must have signal types
    that are compatible.

    If the objects listed in the Unreliable Resource Pointer and Reliable
    Resource Pointer attributes are GTPs, the nth element of the Unreliable
    Resource GTP is related to the nth element of the Reliable Resource GTP (for
    every n). Administrative state

    - Unlocked - The Connection Protection object is administratively unlocked.
      Traffic is allowed to pass through the Connection Protection.

    - Locked - No traffic is allowed to pass through the Connection Protection.
      The traffic flow is suspended between the termination points representing
      the reliable and the unreliable resources. The connectivity pointers in
      the corresponding unreliable resources and reliable resources are updated
      to reflect the suspension of traffic flow.

    Setting the administrative state to locked does not prevent the protection
    function from attempting to operate. Operational state

    The operational state reflects only the connection capability of the
    connection protection:

    - Enabled - The Connection Protection is performing its normal
      cross-connection function.

    - Disabled - The Connection Protection is incapable of performing its normal
      cross-connection function.

    The operational state of Disabled is considered as a signal failure on the
    corresponding connection and as such it must be taken into account in the
    protection mechanism. The switchStatus indicates the status of the switching

mpConnectionProtection  MANAGED OBJECT CLASS
  DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774.03": protectionUnit;
    mpConnectionProtectionPkg  PACKAGE
      BEHAVIOUR mpConnectionProtectionBehaviour;
        switchStatus  GET,
        "Recommendation X.721": administrativeState GET-REPLACE,
        "Recommendation X.721": operationalState GET,
        "Recommendation X.721": availabilityStatus GET,
        "Recommendation M.3100": signalType  GET;
        "Recommendation X.721": stateChange,
        "Recommendation X.721": objectDeletion,
        "Recommendation X.721": objectCreation;;;
REGISTERED AS { g774-04MObjectClass 3 };

mpConnectionProtectionBehaviour BEHAVIOUR
    "This object class is used to represent the assignment between an unreliable
    resource, which is the termination point or GTP object listed in the
    Unreliable Resource Pointer attribute, and a set of reliable resources for
    the purpose of protection of point-to-multipoint connection. The reliable
    resources are the termination point or GTP objects listed in the To
    Termination attributes of the crossConnectionmanaged objects contained by
    protected mp Connection Protection.

    This object class has properties of a multipoint cross-connection since its
    represents a flexible assignment of termination points in the context of
    subnetwork protection according to Recommendation G.803.

    The Unreliable Resource Pointer (URP) points to one termination point or GTP
    which represents one of the two alternatives for the protection system. The
    URP must point to a Sink CTP or GTP, or to a Bidirectional TP or GTP.

    The Unreliable Resource Pointer points to Null when the corresponding
    (unreliable) TP has been temporarily disconnected from the multipoint
    connection protection. The crossConnectionObjectPointer of the corresponding
    TP points to the mpConnectionProtection.

    The Reliable Resource Pointer has always the value NULL. The reliable
    resources are represented by all the termination point or GTP objects
    pointed to by the To Termination attribute of the crossConnection managed
    objects contained by the protected mpConnectionProtection.

    The attribute Signal Type describes the signal that is cross-connected. The
    termination points or GTPs that are cross-connected must have signal types
    that are compatible. Administrative state

    - Unlocked - The Multipoint Connection Protection object is administratively
      unlocked. It allows traffic to pass through each contained
      cross-connection depending on its administrative state.

    - Locked - No traffic is allowed to pass through the Cross-Connection
      between the cross-connected termination points. The effect of this value
      overrides the effect of the administrative state of each contained

    Setting the administrative state to locked does not prevent the protection
    function from attempting to operate. Operational state

    The operational state of a Multipoint Connection Protection object reflects
    the overall health of the cross-connection including all the
    Cross-Connection objects contained in the Multipoint Connection Protection.

    - Enabled - The Cross-Connection is performing its normal function. Note
      that some (but not all) of the cross-connection objects contained in the
      protected Multipoint Connection Protection may be disabled.

    - Disabled - The Cross-Connection is incapable of performing its normal
      cross-connection function. All the cross-connection objects contained in
      the protected Multipoint Connection Protection are disabled.

    The operational state of Disabled is considered as a signal failure on the
    corresponding connection and as such it must be taken into account in the
    protection mechanism. Availability status

    The supported values for this attribute are:

    - Degraded - The Multipoint Connection Protection is degraded in some
      respect. For instance, if one or more (but not all) Cross-Connection
      objects contained in the protected Multipoint Connection Protection are
      disabled, the Multipoint Connection Protection will be considered as
      degraded. The Multipoint Connection Protection remains available for
      service (i.e. its operational state is enabled) while it is degraded. No
      automatic protection switch occurs.

    - Empty SET.

    The switchStatus indicates the status of the switching requests.";

  DERIVED FROM "Recommendation M.3100": fabric;
    sncpFabricPackage PACKAGE
      BEHAVIOUR sncpFabricBehaviour;
REGISTERED AS { g774-04MObjectClass 4 };

sncpFabricBehaviour BEHAVIOUR
    "The subnetwork connection protection fabric object represents the function
    of managing the establishment and release of protected cross-connections.";

holdOffTimePackage PACKAGE
    holdOffTime GET-REPLACE;
REGISTERED AS { g774-04Package 1 };

  BEHAVIOUR holdOffTimeBehaviour;
REGISTERED AS { g774-04Attribute 1 };

holdOffTimeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR
    "This attribute specifies the amount of 100 ms periods which represents the
    time to wait before performing a protection switch after a defect has
    occurred on either the protecting or protected protection unit. The minimum
    value is zero (no hold off time) and the maximum value is 100 (representing
    10 seconds). The hold off time is defined in G.841.";

protectionCriteria ATTRIBUTE
  BEHAVIOUR protectionCriteriaBehaviour;
REGISTERED AS { g774-04Attribute 2 };

protectionCriteriaBehaviour BEHAVIOUR
    "This attribute specifies the list of configurable criteria that are to be
    used for automatic switch decision supplementing those criteria which are
    defined as mandatory and fixed within the SNCP function as stated in G.841. ";

switchStatus ATTRIBUTE
  BEHAVIOUR switchStatusBehaviour;
REGISTERED AS { g774-04Attribute 3 };

switchStatusBehaviour BEHAVIOUR
    "The following is a list of all the possible status values of the
    switchStatus attribute for protected connection protection or protected

    - No request - There is no outstanding request. An active switch hold off
      time is considered a no request.

    - Do Not Revert - The protected connection protection has been switched to
      the protecting connection protection and the request to do so has been
      subsequently cleared. This status is only applicable to 1 + 1
      non-revertive systems.

    - Wait-to-Restore - The protected connection protection has recovered from
      an auto switch condition and the WTR timer is activated.

    - Manual switch to the protecting connection protection completed - The
      protected connection protection has been switched to the protecting
      connection protection by a manual switch request.

    - Auto switch to the protecting connection completed - The protected
      connection protection has been switched to the protecting connection
      protection due to an auto switch condition.

    - Auto switch pending - An auto switch request cannot been completed due to
      the unavailability of the protecting connection protection.

    - Forced switch to the protecting connection protection completed - The
      protected connection protection has been forced to switch to the
      protecting connection protection.

    - Forced switch to the protecting connection protection completed - auto
      switch pending - An auto switch request cannot be completed due to a
      completed forced switch (to protecting connection protection).

    - Lockout of protected connection protection - The protected connection
      protection is prevented from switching to protection.

    - Lockout of protected connection protection - auto switch pending - An auto
      switch request cannot be completed due to the lockout of the protected
      connection protection.

    The following is a list of all the possible status values of the
    switchStatus attribute for protecting connection protection or protecting

    - No request - There is no outstanding request. An active switch hold off
      time is considered a no request.

    - Do Not Revert - The protected connection protection has been switched to
      the protecting connection protection and the request to do so has been
      cleared. This status is only applicable to 1 + 1 non-revertive systems.

    - Manual switch to the protecting connection protection completed - The
      protected connection protection has been switched to the protecting
      connection protection by a manual switch request.

    - Auto switch to the protecting connection protection completed - A
      protected connection protection has been switched to the protecting
      connection protection due to an auto switch condition.

    - Signal fail - A signal fail condition exists on the protecting connection
      protection (no traffic is being carried on the protecting connection protection).

    - Forced switch to the protecting connection completed - The protected
      connection protection has been forced to switch to the protecting
      connection protection.

    - Lockout of protection - The protecting connection protection is prevented
      from providing protection.

    - Lockout of protection - auto switch condition on protecting connection
      protection - A lockout of protection is in place, and an auto switch
      condition exists on the protecting connection protection.";

protectedConnect ACTION
  BEHAVIOUR  protectedConnectBehaviour;
REGISTERED AS { g774-04Action 1 };

protectedConnectBehaviour BEHAVIOUR
    "This action offers the capability, in a single action, to:

    1) Establish a protected connection between termination points/GTPs (connect
       Choice of the syntax). The connection to be established is part of a
       subnetwork connection protection. The Termination Points/GTP involved in
       this protected connection must not be already connected for the concerned
       direction. In this case this connection establishment is done according
       to the following rules:

      - The protecting TP is used to describe the unreliable TP(s) of the
        protecting connection. This must be done according to the description of
        the protection Connection Type.

      - The protection Connection Type is used to describe the type of
        connection to be established, i.e. unidirectional or bidirectional. The
        protection Connection Type describes the connection between the
        unreliable TPs and the reliable TPs for the protected connection.

      - If the protection Connection Type is bidirectional, a
        connectionProtectionGroupR1 is created. The To TP part of the syntax
        represents the reliable resource.

      - If the protection Connection Type is unidirectional, it can concern either:

      - A unidirectional point-to-point subnetwork connection protection. In
        this case a connectionProtectionGroupR1 is created.

      - A unidirectional point-to-multipoint subnetwork connection protection
        where all legs are protected altogether. In this case a
        connectionProtectionGroupR1 is created, containing:

      a) the mpConnectionProtection of the working channel, connecting the
         unreliable TP. The reliable TPs are connected by crossConnection
         objects contained by the mpConnectionProtection.

      b) the mpConnectionProtection of the protecting channel. This
         mpConnectionProtection does not contain crossConnection object.

    The administrative state of the created connections objects is specified as
    an optional parameter of this action. If this parameter is omitted, the
    administrative state will be set to 'unlocked'.

    2) Add TPs/GTPs as destinations of a point-to-multipoint connection. (addLeg
       Choice of the syntax).

      - The legs may be added as part of the protected legs (corresponding to
        the sub-choice protected Legs of the syntax). In that case each
        crossConnection object corresponding to each individual leg is created,
        these crossConnections are contained by the protected
        mpConnectionProtection contained by the connectionProtectionGroupR1.

      - The legs may be added as non-protected legs (corresponding to the
        sub-choice unprotected Legs of the syntax). In that case each
        crossConnection object corresponding to each individual leg is created,
        these crossConnections are contained by the mpCrossConnection
        representing the unprotected broadcast. If no unprotected
        mpCrossConnection exists then an mpCrossConnection is created,
        containing all the specified unprotected legs (if only one unprotected
        leg exists, then a point-to-point unidirectional cross-connection is
        created). If this action concerns an existing unidirectional
        point-to-point cross-connection then a point-to-multipoint
        cross-connection is created which contains the crossConnections
        representing legs.

    The administrative state of the created cross-connection or connection
    protection objects will be the same as that of the containing multipoint
    cross-connection or multipoint connection protection object unless otherwise
    specified in the action parameters.

    3) Connect a TP as the unreliable resource of an existing protected
       connection (protected or protecting connectionProtection or
       mpConnectionProtection contained in a connectionProtectionGroupR1).
       (addUnreliable Choice of the syntax)

      - If the specified TP is not already connected for the corresponding
        direction (notConnected sub-choice of the syntax), it will be connected
        by the specified connectionProtection or mpConnectionProtection.

      - If the specified TP is already connected for the corresponding direction
        (connected sub-choice of the syntax) by a unidirectional connection
        (point-to-point or multipoint), the TP will point to the
        connectionProtection or mpConnectionProtection in addition to the
        existing connection(s).";

protectUnprotect ACTION
  BEHAVIOUR  protectUnprotectBehaviour;
REGISTERED AS { g774-04Action 2 };

protectUnprotectBehaviour BEHAVIOUR
    "This action offers the capability, in a single action, to:

    1) Protect an existing unprotected connection (protect Choice of the
       syntax). The description for protecting an existing connection uses the
       same syntax as the establishment of a new protected connection, and
       follows the same rules, except that all the TPs or GTP specified in the
       protectionConnectionType part must be explicitly specified by their
       object instances (i.e. no tpPool, no GTP expressed by a sequence of TPs).
       The connectivity specified by the protectionConnectionType part of the
       syntax must reflect the same connectivity (signal flow expressed by the
       connectivity pointers) as the existing one, i.e.:

      - For a unidirectional point-to-point, the TP specified as the From and
        the To must be already cross-connected the same way as described and
        they should not be already protected for the concerned direction.

      - For a bidirectional point-to-point, the TPs specified as the from and
        the To must be already cross-connected the same way as described, i.e.:
        a bidirectional cross-connection connecting the From TP and the To TP
        (reliable TP) must already exist.

      - For a point-to-multipoint, the TP specified as the From and all the TPs
        specified as the To must be already cross-connected the same way and
        none of them should be already part of a protection scheme for the
        concerned direction. Only those legs which are specified as part of the
        protectedConnect Information will be involved in the protection scheme.
        A connectionProtectionGroupR1, two mpConnectionProtection's and each
        crossConnection representing each leg are created as the result of this
        action. If all legs are involved in the protection scheme then the
        existing mpCrossConnection is deleted. The administrative state of the
        new created connection objects will be the same as that of the existing
        one they are to replace, unless otherwise specified in the action
        parameters. The result, if OK is given by the connected Choice of the syntax.

    2) Unprotect an existing protected connection (unprotect Choice of the
       syntax). The description for unprotecting an existing connection uses the
       same syntax as the establishment of a new unprotected connection, i.e.
       the ConnectionType and ConnectionTypeBi, and follows the same rules,
       except that all the described connections must already exist, and all the
       TPs or GTP specified in this action must be explicitly specified by their
       object instances. The connectivity specified by the syntax must reflect
       the same connectivity as the existing one for either the working or the
       protect part of the ConnectionProtectionGroupR1, i.e.:

      - For a unidirectional point-to-point connection protection, the TP
        specified as the From and the To must be respectively the unreliable TP
        and the reliable TP of the (protected or protecting) connectionProtection.

      - For a bidirectional point-to-point, the TPs specified as the From and
        the To must be respectively the unreliable TP of either the protected or
        protecting connectionProtection and the reliable TP of the protected
        connectionProtection. When the choice single of the syntax is used, a
        bidirectional cross-connection is created (uniform route) connecting the
        specified Unreliable TP and the Reliable TP. When the choice multiple of
        the syntax is used, two unidirectional cross-connections are created
        (diverse route), one connecting the specified Unreliable TP to the
        Reliable TP, and the other connecting the Reliable TP to the specified
        Unreliable TP.

      - For a point-to-multipoint, the TP specified as the From and all the TPs
        specified as the To must be respectively the unreliable TP of the
        protected mp Connection Protection and the To TPs of the cross-connects
        contained in the mp connection protection. If TPs are specified which do
        not pertain to the protection scheme, the requests fail with the logical
        problem mismatching TP Instances. Only those TPs which are explicitly
        specified as part of the protectedUnprotectInformation will be
        unprotected, and if no mpCrossConnection was already existing then one
        is created which holds each crossConnection corresponding to each
        unprotected leg. If no other TP remains in the protected scheme, then
        the connectionProtectionGroupR1 is deleted and consequently all its
        contained objects. The administrative state of the new created
        connection objects will be the same as that of the existing one they are
        to replace, unless otherwise specified in the action parameters.";

switchStatusParameter PARAMETER
  WITH SYNTAX SDHSNCPASN1.ProtectionStatusParameter;
  BEHAVIOUR switchStatusParameterBeh;
REGISTERED AS { g774-04Parameter 1 };

switchStatusParameterBeh BEHAVIOUR
    "This parameter is included in the additional info parameters of the
    protection switching reporting notification. This notification is sent by
    the protection group according to the following rules. There are several cases:

    - The switch from protected to protecting or protecting to protected has
      been done without preempting an existing switch. In this case, the old and
      new values of the Switch status attribute of the protecting channel shall
      be reported in the notification by means of the oldSwitchStatus and
      newSwitchStatus parameters respectively.

    - A switch is performed by preemting an exiting one. In this case, the old
      and new values of the Switch status attribute of the protecting channel
      shall be reported in the notification by means of the oldSwitchStatus and
      newSwitchStatus parameters respectively.

    - An auto switch condition exists on a channel but the auto switch cannot be
      served due to the unavailability of the channel that otherwise protects
      it. In this case the oldSwitchStatus and newSwitchStatus parameters refer
      to the switch status attribute value of the channel on which the auto
      switch condition arises. The exception is when the channel is already
      forced or locked out, in which case no notification is sent.

    - A working channel (protected unit) has been locked out or released from
      lockout without modifying any existing switch. In this case the
      oldSwitchStatus and newSwitchStatus parameters refer to the switch status
      attribute value of the working channel which has been locked out.

    - A protection channel (protecting unit) has been locked out or released
      from lockout without modifying the existing switch. In this case, the
      oldSwitchStatus and newSwitchStatus parameters refer to the switch status
      attribute value of the protection channel which has been locked out.

    The protectionSwitchReporting is not sent when the automatic switch
    condition is toggling between SF and WTR condition. While in the lockout of
    forced switch state no notification is sent except for ending of release failure.";

connectionProtection-connectionProtectionGroupR1 NAME BINDING
  NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS connectionProtectionGroupR1
  WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation G.774.03":protectionUnitId;
    connectionProtection-connectionProtectionGroupR1Beh BEHAVIOUR
        "The connection protection is contained by a connection protection Group
        managed object instance. There must be two and only two CP (Connection
        Protection) in the CPG (Connection Protection Group), with the same
        signal type and the same directionality. This is used to represent a
        point-to-point unidirectional or bidirectional connection protection.
        One of these CPs must be the protected one (protecting attribute with
        the value 'FALSE'), and the other must be the protecting one (protecting
        attribute with the value 'TRUE')." ;;
REGISTERED AS { g774-04NameBinding 7 };

connectionProtectionGroupR1-sncpFabric NAME BINDING
    connectionProtectionGroupR1 AND SUBCLASSES;
    sncpFabric AND SUBCLASSES;
  WITH ATTRIBUTE  "Recommendation G.774.03":protectionGroupId;
  BEHAVIOUR  connectionProtectionGroupR1-sncpFabricBeh BEHAVIOUR
      "A Connection Protection Group is created as the result of the
      establishment of a protected connection (point-to-point or
      point-to-multipoint) or of the protection of an existing non-protected
      connection. When disconnecting a TP involved in a protected connection:

      - if the TP is the reliable resource of a point-to-point connection
        protection, or the last reliable resource (last leg) of a multipoint
        connection protection, this leads to the disconnection of the
        protection, resulting in the deletion of the connection protection group
        and all contained objects.

      - if the TP is the unreliable resource of a connection protection or
        multipoint connection protection, the corresponding Unreliable Resource
        Pointer is set to NULL. Such a disconnection shall be considered as a
        signal failure. A new unreliable resource (TP) may be connected using
        the capability to add a new unreliable resource of the protected connect
        action. When both unreliable TPs are disconnected, this leads to the
        disconnection of the protection, resulting in the deletion of the
        connection protection group and all contained objects. ";;
REGISTERED AS { g774-04NameBinding 8 };

crossConnection-mpConnectionProtection NAME BINDING
  SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation M.3100":
    crossConnection AND SUBCLASSES;
  WITH ATTRIBUTE  "Recommendation M.3100":crossConnectionId;
REGISTERED AS { g774-04NameBinding 3 };

crossConnection-sncpFabric NAME BINDING
  SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation M.3100":
    crossConnection AND SUBCLASSES;
  WITH ATTRIBUTE  "Recommendation M.3100":crossConnectionId;
REGISTERED AS { g774-04NameBinding 5 };

mpConnectionProtection-connectionProtectionGroupR1 NAME BINDING
    connectionProtectionGroupR1 AND SUBCLASSES;
  WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation G.774.03":protectionUnitId;
  BEHAVIOUR mpConnectionProtection-connectionProtectionGroupR1Beh
      "MultiPoint Connection Protection are created as the result of the
      establishment of a protected multipoint connection or of the protection of
      an existing non-protected multipoint connection. The multipoint connection
      protections are contained directly by the connection protection Group
      managed object instance. There must be two and only two
      mpConnectionProtections in the connectionProtectionGroup, with the same
      signal type. This is used to represent the point to multipoint
      unidirectional connection protection.

      One of these mpConnectionProtection must be the protected one (protecting
      attribute with the value FALSE), and the other must be the protecting one
      (protecting attribute with the value TRUE).

      Only the protected mpConnectionProtection can contain cross-connections
      representing the reliable resources. The configuration may be done prior
      to any existing cross-connection or on an existing multipoint
      cross-connection." ;;
REGISTERED AS { g774-04NameBinding 9 };

mpCrossConnection-sncpFabric NAME BINDING
  SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation M.3100":
    mpCrossConnection AND SUBCLASSES;
  WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation M.3100":mpCrossConnectionId;
REGISTERED AS { g774-04NameBinding 6 };


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--  Formatted by OpenT2 Version on Fri Aug 20 11:20:49 2004