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2005-2008 ITU-T SG 4 Recommendations
E series : Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors
E330-E349 : ISDN provisions concerning users
E.333/Z.323 : Man-machine interaction
G series : Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks
G800-G899 : Digital networks
G850-G859 : Management of transport network
G.851.1 : Management of the transport network – Application of the RM-ODP framework
G.852.1 : Enterprise viewpoint for simple subnetwork connection management
G.852.2 : Enterprise viewpoint description of transport network resource model
G.852.3 : Enterprise viewpoint for topology management
G.852.6 : Enterprise viewpoint for trail management
G.852.8 : Enterprise viewpoint for pre-provisioned adaptation management
G.852.10 : Enterprise viewpoint for pre-provisioned link connection management
G.852.12 : Enterprise viewpoint for pre-provisioned link management
G.852.16 : Enterprise viewpoint for pre-provisioned route discovery
G.853.1 : Common elements of the information viewpoint for the management of a transport network
G.853.2 : Subnetwork connection management information viewpoint
G.853.3 : Information viewpoint for topology management
G.853.6 : Information viewpoint for trail management
G.853.8 : Information viewpoint for pre-provisioned adaptation management
G.853.10 : Information viewpoint for pre-provisioned link connection management
G.853.12 : Information viewpoint for pre-provisioned link management
G.853.16 : Information viewpoint for pre-provisioned route discovery
G.854.1 : Computational interfaces for basic transport network model
G.854.3 : Computational viewpoint for topology management
G.854.6 : Computational viewpoint for trail management
G.854.8 : Computational viewpoint for pre-provisioned adaptation management
G.854.10 : Computational viewpoint for pre-provisioned link connection management
G.854.12 : Computational viewpoint for pre-provisioned link management
G.854.16 : Computational viewpoint for pre-provisioned route discovery
G.855.1 : GDMO engineering viewpoint for the generic network level model
I series : Integrated services digital network
I700-I799 : B-ISDN equipment aspects
I750-I759 : Management of ATM equipment
I.751 : Asynchronous transfer mode management of the network element view
M series : Telecommunication management, including TMN and network maintenance
M10-M299 : Introduction and general principles of maintenance and maintenance organization
M.10 : Scope and application of Recommendations for maintenance of telecommunication networks and services
M.15 : Maintenance considerations for new systems
M.20 : Maintenance philosophy for telecommunication networks
M.21 : Maintenance philosophy for telecommunication services
M.32 : Principles for using alarm information for maintenance of international transmission systems and equipment
M.34 : Performance monitoring on international transmission systems and equipment
M.35 : Principles concerning line-up and maintenance limits
M.50 : Use of telecommunication terms for maintenance
M.60 : Maintenance terminology and definitions
M.70 : Guiding principles on the general maintenance organization for telephone-type international circuits
M.75 : Technical service
M.80 : Control stations
M.85 : Fault report points
M.90 : Sub-control stations
M.100 : Service circuits
M.110 : Circuit testing
M.120 : Access points for maintenance
M.125 : Digital loopback mechanisms
M.160 : Stability of transmission
M300-M559 : International transmission systems
M.320 : Numbering of the channels in a group
M.330 : Numbering of groups within a supergroup
M.340 : Numbering of supergroups within a mastergroup
M.350 : Numbering of mastergroups within a supermastergroup
M.380 : Numbering in coaxial systems
M.390 : Numbering in systems on symmetric pair cable
M.400 : Numbering in radio-relay links or open-wire line systems
M.410 : Numbering of digital blocks in transmission systems
M.450 : Bringing a new international transmission system into service
M.460 : Bringing international group, supergroup, etc., links into service
M.470 : Setting up and lining up analogue channels for international telecommunication services
M.475 : Setting up and lining up mixed analogue/digital channels for international telecommunication services
M.495 : Transmission restoration and transmission route diversity: Terminology and general principles
M.496 : Functional organization for automatic transmission restoration
M.500 : Routine maintenance measurements to be made on regulated line sections
M.510 : Readjustment to the nominal value of a regulated line section (on a symmetric pair line, a coaxial line or a radio-relay link)
M.520 : Routine maintenance on international group, supergroup, etc., links
M.525 : Automatic maintenance procedures for international group, supergroup, etc., links
M.530 : Readjustment to the nominal value of an international group, supergroup, etc., link
M.535 : Special maintenance procedures for multiple destination, unidirectional (MU) group and supergroup links
M.540 : Routine maintenance of carrier and pilot generating equipment
M.556 : Setting up and initial testing of digital channels on an international digital path or block
M560-M759 : International telephone circuits
M.560 : International telephone circuits – Principles, definitions and relative transmission levels
M.562 : Types of circuit and circuit section
M.565 : Access points for international telephone circuits
M.570 : Constitution of the circuit; preliminary exchange of information
M.580 : Setting up and lining up an international circuit for public telephony
M.585 : Bringing an international digital circuit into service
M.590 : Setting up and lining up a circuit fitted with a compandor
M.600 : Organization of routine maintenance measurements on circuits
M.605 : Routine maintenance schedule for international public telephony circuits
M.610 : Periodicity of maintenance measurements on circuits
M.620 : Methods for carrying out routine measurements on circuits
M.630 : Maintenance of circuits using control chart methods
M.650 : Routine line measurements to be made on the line repeaters of audio-frequency sections or circuits
M.660 : Periodical in-station tests of echo suppressors complying with Recommendations G.161 and G.164
M.665 : Testing of echo cancellers
M.670 : Maintenance of a circuit fitted with a compandor
M.675 : Lining up and maintaining international demand assignment circuits (SPADE)
M.710 : General maintenance organization for the international automatic and semi-automatic telephone service
M.715 : Fault report point (circuit)
M.716 : Fault report point (network)
M.717 : Testing point (transmission)
M.718 : Testing point (line signalling)
M.719 : Testing point (switching and interregister signalling)
M.720 : Network analysis point
M.721 : System availability information point
M.722 : Network management point
M.723 : Circuit control station
M.724 : Circuit sub-control station
M.725 : Restoration control point
M.726 : Maintenance organization for the wholly digital international automatic and semi-automatic telephone service
M.729/V.51 : Organization of the maintenance of international public switched telephone circuits used for data transmission
M.730 : Maintenance methods
M.731 : Subjective testing
M.732 : Signalling and switching routine maintenance tests and measurements
M.733 : Transmission routine maintenance measurements on automatic and semi-automatic telephone circuits
M.734 : Exchange of information on incoming test facilities at international switching centres
M760-M799 : Common channel signalling systems
M.760 : Transfer link for common channel Signalling System No. 6
M.762 : Maintenance of common channel Signalling System No. 6
M800-M899 : International telegraph systems and phototelegraph transmission
M.800 : Use of circuits for voice-frequency telegraphy
M.810 : Setting up and lining up an international voice-frequency telegraph link for public telegraph circuits (for 50, 100 and 200 baud modulation rates)
M.820 : Periodicity of routine tests on international voice-frequency telegraph links
M.830 : Routine measurements to be made on international voice-frequency telegraph links
M.850 : International time division multiplex (TDM) telegraph systems
M.880 : International phototelegraph transmission
M900-M999 : International leased group and supergroup links
M.900 : Use of leased group and supergroup links for wide-spectrum signal transmission (data, facsimile, etc.)
M.910 : Setting up and lining up an international leased group link for wide-spectrum signal transmission
M1000-M1099 : International leased circuits
M.1010 : Constitution and nomenclature of international leased circuits
M.1012 : Circuit control station for leased and special circuits
M.1013 : Sub-control station for leased and special circuits
M.1014 : Transmission maintenance point (international line) (TMP-IL)
M.1015 : Types of transmission on leased circuits
M.1016 : Assessment of the service availability performance of international leased circuits
M.1020 : Characteristics of special quality international leased circuits with special bandwidth conditioning
M.1025 : Characteristics of special quality international leased circuits with basic bandwidth conditioning
M.1030 : Characteristics of ordinary quality international leased circuits forming part of private switched telephone networks
M.1040 : Characteristics of ordinary quality international leased circuits
M.1045 : Preliminary exchange of information for the provision of international leased circuits and international data transmission systems
M.1050 : Lining up an international point-to-point leased circuit with analogue presentation to the user
M.1055 : Lining up an international multiterminal leased circuit
M.1060 : Maintenance of international leased circuits
M1100-M1199 : Mobile telecommunication systems and services
M.1130 : General definitions and general principles of operation/maintenance procedures to be used in satellite mobile systems
M.1140 : Maritime mobile telecommunication services via satellite
M.1150 : Maintenance aspects of maritime/land mobile telecommunication store-and-forward services (packet mode) via satellite
M.1160 : Maintenance aspects of aeronautical mobile telecommunication service via satellite
M.1170 : Maintenance aspects of mobile digital telecommunication service via satellite
M1200-M1299 : International public telephone network
M.1230 : Method to improve the management of operations and maintenance processes in the international telephone network
M.1235 : Use of automatically generated test calls for assessment of network performance
M1300-M1399 : International data transmission systems
M.1300 : Maintenance of international data transmission systems operating in the range 2.4 kbit/s to 140 Mbit/s
M.1301 : General description and operational procedures for international SDH leased circuits
M.1320 : Numbering of channels in data transmission systems
M.1340 : Performance objectives, allocations and limits for international PDH leased circuits and supporting data transmission links and systems
M.1350 : Setting up, lining up and characteristics of international data transmission systems operating in the range 2.4 kbit/s to 14.4 kbit/s
M.1355 : Maintenance of international data transmission systems operating in the range 2.4 to 14.4 kbit/s
M.1370 : Bringing-into-service of international data transmission systems
M.1375 : Maintenance of international data transmission systems
M.1380 : Bringing-into-service of international leased circuits that are supported by international data transmission systems
M.1385 : Maintenance of international leased circuits that are supported by international data transmission systems
M1400-M1999 : Designations and information exchange
M.1400 : Designations for interconnections among operators' networks
M.1401 : Formalization of interconnection designations among operators’ telecommunication networks
M.1402 : Formalization of data for service management
M.1403 : Formalization of generic orders
M.1404 : Formalization of orders for interconnections among operators' networks
M.1405 : Formalization of orders for service management among operators
M.1410 (draft) : Global telecommunications data dictionary
M.1510 : Exchange of contact point information for the maintenance of international services and the international network
M.1520 : Standardized information exchange between Administrations
M.1530 : Network maintenance information
M.1532 : Network maintenance service performance agreement (MSPA)
M.1535 : Principles for maintenance information to be exchanged at customer contact point (MICC)
M.1537 : Definition of maintenance information to be exchanged at customer contact point (MICC)
M.1539 : Management of the grade of network maintenance services at the Maintenance Service Customer Contact Point (MSCC)
M.1540 : Exchange of information for planned outages of transmission systems
M.1550 : Escalation procedure
M.1560 : Escalation procedure for international leased circuits
M2000-M2999 : International transport network
M.2100 : Performance limits for bringing-into-service and maintenance of international multi-operator PDH paths and connections
M.2101 : Performance limits for bringing-into-service and maintenance of international multi-operator SDH paths and multiplex sections
M.2102 : Maintenance thresholds and procedures for recovery mechanisms (protection and restoration) of international SDH VC trails (paths) and multiplex sections
M.2110 : Bringing into service international multi-operator paths, sections and transmission systems
M.2120 : International multi-operator paths, sections and transmission systems fault detection and localization procedures
M.2130 : Operational procedures for the maintenance of the transport network
M.2140 : Transport network event correlation
M.2201 : Performance objectives, allocations and limits for bringing-into-service and maintenance of international ATM virtual path and virtual channel connections
M.2301 : Performance objectives and procedures for provisioning and maintenance of IP-based networks
M.2401 : Error performance limits and procedures for bringing-into-service and maintenance of multi-operator international paths and sections within an optical transport network
M3000-M3599 : Telecommunications management network
M.3000 : Overview of TMN Recommendations
M.3010 : Principles for a telecommunications management network
M.3013 : Considerations for a telecommunications management network
M.3016.0 : Security for the management plane: Overview
M.3016.1 : Security for the management plane: Security requirements
M.3016.2 : Security for the management plane: Security services
M.3016.3 : Security for the management plane: Security mechanism
M.3016.4 : Security for the management plane: Profile proforma
M.3017 : Framework for the integrated management of hybrid circuit/packet networks
M.3020 : Management interface specification methodology
M.3030 : Telecommunications Markup Language (tML) framework
M.3031 : Guidelines for Implementation Conformance Statement proformas for tML schemas
M.3050.0 : Enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM) – Introduction
M.3050.1 : Enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM) – The business process framework
M.3050.2 : Enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM) – Process decompositions and descriptions
M.3050.3 : Enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM) – Representative process flows
M.3050.4 : Enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM) – B2B integration: Using B2B inter-enterprise integration with the eTOM
M.3050 Suppl. 1 : Enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM) – Interim view of an interpreter's guide for eTOM and ITIL practitioners
M.3050 Suppl. 2 : Enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM) – Public B2B Business Operations Map (BOM)
M.3050 Suppl. 3 : Enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM) – eTOM to M.3400 mapping
M.3050 Suppl. 4 : Enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM) – An eTOM primer
M.3060/Y.2401 : Principles for the Management of Next Generation Networks
M.3100 : Generic network information model
M.3101 : Managed object conformance statements for the generic network information model
M.3108.1 : Information model for management of leased circuit and reconfigurable services
M.3108.2 : Information model for connection management of preprovisioned service link connections to form a reconfigurable leased service
M.3108.3 : Information model for management of virtual private network service
M.3120 : CORBA generic network and network element level information model
M.3160 (draft) : Generic Management Information Model – Protocol Neutral
M.3170.0 : Multi-technology network management: Introduction and supporting documentation
M.3170.1 : Multi-technology network management: Business agreement (TMF513)
M.3170.2 : Multi-technology network management: Information agreement (TMF608)
M.3170.3 : Multi-technology network management: CORBA IDL solution set (TMF814) with implementation statement templates and guidelines (TMF814A)
M.3180 : Catalogue of TMN management information
M.3190 : Shared information and Data Model (SID)
M.3200 : TMN management services and telecommunications managed areas: overview
M.3207.1 : TMN management service: Maintenance aspects of B-ISDN management
M.3208.1 : Leased circuit services
M.3208.2 : Connection management of pre-provisioned service link connections to form a leased circuit service
M.3208.3 : Virtual private network service
M.3210.1 : TMN management services for IMT-2000 security management
M.3211.1 : TMN management service: Fault and performance management of the ISDN access
M.3300 : TMN F interface requirements
M.3320 : Management requirements framework for the TMN X-Interface
M.3340 : Framework for NGN service assurance management across the business to business and customer to business interfaces
M.3341 : Requirements for QoS/SLA management over the TMN X-interface for IP-based services
M.3342 : Guidelines for the definition of SLA representation templates
M.3343 : Requirements and analysis for NGN trouble administration across B2B and C2B interfaces
M.3344 : Requirements and analysis for NGN appointment management across the business to business and customer to business interfaces
M.3350 : TMN service management requirements for information interchange across the TMN X-interface to support provisioning of Emergency Telecommunication Service (ETS)
M.3400 : TMN management functions
M.3410 : Guidelines and requirements for security management systems to support telecommunications management
M3600-M3999 : Integrated services digital networks
M.3600 : Principles for the management of ISDNs
M.3602 : Application of maintenance principles to ISDN subscriber installations
M.3603 : Application of maintenance principles to ISDN basic rate access
M.3604 : Application of maintenance principles to ISDN primary rate access
M.3605 : Application of maintenance principles to static multiplexed ISDN basic rate access
M.3610 : Principles for applying the TMN concept to the management of B-ISDN
M.3611 : Test management of the B-ISDN ATM layer using the TMN
M.3620 : Principles for the use of ISDN test calls, systems and responders
M.3621 : Integrated management of the ISDN customer access
M.3640 : Management of the D-channel – Data link layer and network layer
M.3641 : Management information model for the management of the data link and network layer of the ISDN D-channel
M.3650 : Network performance measurements of ISDN calls
M.3660 : ISDN interface management services
M4000-M4999 : Common channel signalling systems
M.4010 : Inter-Administration agreements on common channel Signalling System No. 6
M.4030 : Transmission characteristics for setting up and lining up a transfer link for common channel Signalling System N° 6 (analogue version)
M.4100 : Maintenance of common channel Signalling System No. 7
M.4110 : Inter-Administration agreements on common channel Signalling System No. 7
M supplements : Supplements to the M-series Recommendations
M Suppl. 7 : ITU-T M.1400-series – Directory of external terminology schemas
O series : Specifications of measuring equipment
O1-O9 : General
O.1 : Scope and application of measurement equipment specifications covered in the O-series Recommendations
O.3 : Climatic conditions and relevant tests for measuring equipment
O.6 : 1020 Hz reference test frequency
O.9 : Measuring arrangements to assess the degree of unbalance about earth
O10-O19 : Maintenance access
O.11 : Maintenance access lines
O20-O39 : Automatic and semi-automatic measuring systems
O.22/Q.49 : CCITT automatic transmission measuring and signalling testing equipment ATME No. 2
O.27 : In-station echo canceller test equipment
O.33 : Automatic equipment for rapidly measuring stereophonic pairs and monophonic sound-programme circuits, links and connections
O40-O129 : Equipment for the measurement of analogue parameters
O.41/P.53 : Psophometer for use on telephone-type circuits
O.42 : Equipment to measure non-linear distortion using the 4-tone intermodulation method
O.61 : Simple equipment to measure interruptions on telephone-type circuits
O.62 : Sophisticated equipment to measure interruptions on telephone-type circuits
O.71/V.55 : Impulsive noise measuring equipment for telephone-type circuits
O.81 : Group-delay measuring equipment for telephone-type circuits
O.82 : Group-delay measuring equipment for the range 5 to 600 kHz
O.91 : Phase jitter measuring equipment for telephone-type circuits
O.95 : Phase and amplitude hit counters for telephone-type circuits
O.111 : Frequency shift measuring equipment for use on carrier channels
O130-O199 : Equipment for the measurement of digital and analogue/digital parameters
O.131 : Quantizing distortion measuring equipment using a pseudo-random noise test signal
O.132 : Quantizing distortion measuring equipment using a sinusoidal test signal
O.133 : Equipment for measuring the performance of PCM encoders and decoders
O.150 : General requirements for instrumentation for performance measurements on digital transmission equipment
O.151 : Error performance measuring equipment operating at the primary rate and above
O.152 : Error performance measuring equipment for bit rates of 64 kbit/s and N x 64 kbit/s
O.153 : Basic parameters for the measurement of error performance at bit rates below the primary rate
O.161 : In-service code violation monitors for digital systems
O.162 : Equipment to perform in-service monitoring on 2048, 8448, 34 368 and 139 264 kbit/s signals
O.163 : Equipment to perform in-service monitoring on 1544 kbit/s signals
O.171 : Timing jitter and wander measuring equipment for digital systems which are based on the plesiochronous digital hierarchy (PDH)
O.172 : Jitter and wander measuring equipment for digital systems which are based on the synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH)
O.173 : Jitter measuring equipment for digital systems which are based on the Optical Transport Network (OTN)
O.181 : Equipment to assess error performance on STM-N interfaces
O.182 : Equipment to assess error performance on Optical Transport Network interfaces
O.191 : Equipment to measure the cell transfer performance of ATM connections
O200-O209 : Equipment for the measurement of optical channel parameters
O.201 : Q-factor test equipment to estimate the transmission performance of optical channels
O210-O219 : Equipment to perform measurements on IP networks
O.211 : Test and measurement equipment to perform tests at the IP layer
O220-O229 : Equipment to perform measurements on leased-circuit services
O.220 : Framework for end-to-end QoS measurement and supervision for leased-circuit services
P series : Telephone transmission quality, telephone installations, local line networks
P50-P59 : Objective measuring apparatus
P.53/O.41 : Psophometer for use on telephone-type circuits
Q series : Switching and signalling
Q4-Q59 : International automatic and semi-automatic working
Q48-Q49 : Signalling for satellite systems
Q.49/O.22 : CCITT automatic transmission measuring and signalling testing equipment ATME No. 2
Q500-Q599 : Digital exchanges
Q510-Q539 : Exchange interfaces, functions and connections
Q.513 : Digital exchange interfaces for operations, administration and maintenance
Q800-Q849 : Q3 interface
Q.811 : Lower layer protocol profiles for the Q and X interfaces
Q.812 : Upper layer protocol profiles for the Q and X interfaces
Q.813 : Security transformations application service element for remote operations service element (STASE-ROSE)
Q.814 : Specification of an electronic data interchange interactive agent
Q.815 : Specification of a security module for whole message protection
Q.816 : CORBA-based TMN services
Q.816.1 : CORBA-based TMN services: Extensions to support coarse-grained interfaces
Q.816.2 : CORBA-based TMN services: Extensions to support service-oriented interfaces
Q.817 : TMN PKI – Digital certificates and certificate revocation lists profiles
Q.821 : Stage 2 and Stage 3 description for the Q3 interface – Alarm Surveillance
Q.821.1 : CORBA-based TMN alarm surveillance service
Q.822 : Stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3 description for the Q3 interface – Performance management
Q.822.1 : CORBA-based TMN performance management service
Q.823 : Stage 2 and stage 3 functional specifications for traffic management
Q.823.1 : Management Conformance Statement Proformas
Q.824.0 : Common information
Q.824.1 : Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) basic and primary rate access
Q.824.2 : Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) supplementary services
Q.824.3 : Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) optional user facilities
Q.824.4 : Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) teleservices
Q.824.5 : Configuration management of V5 interface environments and associated customer profiles
Q.824.6 : Broadband Switch Management
Q.824.7 : Enhanced broadband switch management
Q.825 : Specification of TMN applications at the Q3 interface: call detail recording
Q.826 : Routing management model
Q.827.1 : Requirements and analysis for the common management functions of NMS-EMS interfaces
Q.831 : Fault and performance management of V5 interface environments and associated customer profiles
Q.831.1 : Access Management for V5
Q.832.1 : VB5.1 Management
Q.832.2 : VB5.2 Management
Q.832.3 : Broadband access coordination
Q.833.1 : Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) – Network element management: CMIP model
Q.834.1 : ATM-PON requirements and managed entities for the network and network element views
Q.834.3 : A UML description for management interface requirements for Broadband Passive Optical Networks
Q.834.4 : A CORBA interface specification for Broadband Passive Optical Networks based on UML interface requirements
Q.835 : Line and line circuit test management of ISDN and analogue customer accesses
Q.836.1 : SSF management information model
Q.837.1 : SDH-DLC functional requirements for the network and network element views
Q.837.2 : Use case descriptions and analysis for SDH-DLC network level management interface
Q.838.1 : Requirements and analysis for the management interface of Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (EPON)
Q.840.1 : Requirements and analysis for NMS-EMS management interface of Ethernet over Transport and Metro Ethernet Network (EoT/MEN)
Q850-Q999 : Digital subscriber Signalling System No. 1
Q940-Q949 : User-network management
Q.940 : ISDN user-network interface protocol for management – General aspects
Q.941 : ISDN user-network interface protocol profile for management
V series : Data communication over the telephone network
V50-V59 : Transmission quality and maintenance
V.51/M.729 : Organization of the maintenance of international public switched telephone circuits used for data transmission
V.55/O.71 : Impulsive noise measuring equipment for telephone-type circuits
X series : Data networks, open system communications and security
X1-X199 : Public data networks
X150-X179 : Maintenance
X.160 : Architecture for customer network management service for public data networks
X.161 : Definition of customer network management services for public data networks
X.162 : Definition of management information for customer network management service for public data networks to be used with the CNMc interface
X.163 : Definition of management information for customer network management service for public data networks to be used with the CNMe interface
X.170 : Network-network management architecture for data networks
X.171 : Network-network management services for data networks
X700-X709 : Systems Management framework and architecture
X700-X799 : OSI management
X.700 : Management framework for Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) for CCITT applications
X.701 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems management overview
X.702 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Application context for systems management with transaction processing
X.703 : Information technology – Open Distributed Management Architecture
X710-X719 : Management Communication Service and Protocol
X.710 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Common Management Information service
X.711 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Common Management Information Protocol: Specification
X.712 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Common management information protocol: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma
X720-X729 : Structure of Management Information
X.720 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Structure of management information: Management information model
X.721 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Structure of management information: Definition of management information
X.722 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Structure of management information: Guidelines for the definition of managed objects
X.723 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Structure of management information: Generic management information
X.724 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Structure of management information: Requirements and guidelines for implementation conformance statement proformas associated with OSI management
X.725 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Structure of management information: General Relationship Model
X.727 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Structure of management information: Systems management application layer managed objects
X730-X799 : Management functions and ODMA functions
X.730 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems Management: Object management function
X.731 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems management: State management function
X.732 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems Management: Attributes for representing relationships
X.733 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems Management: Alarm reporting function
X.734 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems Management: Event report management function
X.735 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems Management: Log control function
X.736 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems Management: Security alarm reporting function
X.737 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems Management: Confidence and diagnostic test categories
X.738 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems management: Summarization function
X.739 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems Management: Metric objects and attributes
X.740 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems Management: Security audit trail function
X.741 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems management: Objects and attributes for access control
X.742 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems management: Usage metering function for accounting purposes
X.743 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems Management: Time Management Function
X.744 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems Management: Software management function
X.744.1 : CORBA-based TMN software management service
X.745 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems Management: Test management function
X.746 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems Management: Scheduling function
X.748 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems Management: Response Time Monitoring Function
X.749 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems Management: Management domain and management policy management function
X.750 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems Management: Management knowledge management function
X.751 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems Management: Changeover function
X.753 : Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Systems management: Command Sequencer for Systems Management
X.754 : Enhanced Event Control Function
X.770 : ODMA notification dispatch function
X.780 : TMN guidelines for defining CORBA managed objects
X.780.1 : TMN guidelines for defining coarse-grained CORBA managed object interfaces
X.780.2 : TMN guidelines for defining service-oriented CORBA managed objects and faηade objects
X.781 : Requirements and guidelines for Implementation Conformance Statements proformas associated with CORBA-based systems
X.790 : Trouble management function for ITU-T applications
X.791 : Profile for trouble management function for ITU-T applications
X.792 : Configuration audit support function for ITU-T applications
Y series : Global information infrastructure, Internet protocol aspects and next-generation networks
Y2000-Y2999 : Next Generation Networks
Y2400-Y2499 : Network management
Y.2401/M.3060 : Principles for the Management of Next Generation Networks
Z series : Languages and general software aspects for telecommunication systems
Z300-Z399 : Man-machine language
Z300-Z309 : General principles
Z.301 : Introduction to the CCITT man-machine language
Z.302 : The meta-language for describing MML syntax and dialogue procedures
Z310-Z319 : Basic syntax and dialogue procedures
Z.311 : Introduction to syntax and dialogue procedures
Z.312 : Basic format layout
Z.314 : The character set and basic elements
Z.315 : Input (command) language syntax specification
Z.316 : Output language syntax specification
Z.317 : Man-machine dialogue procedures
Z320-Z329 : Extended MML for visual display terminals
Z.321 : Introduction to the extended MML for visual display terminals
Z.322 : Capabilities of visual display terminals
Z.323/E.333 : Man-machine interaction
Z330-Z349 : Specification of the man-machine interface
Z.331 : Introduction to the specification of the man-machine interface
Z.332 : Methodology for the specification of the man-machine interface – General working procedure
Z.333 : Methodology for the specification of the man-machine interface – Tools and methods
Z.334 : Subscriber administration
Z.335 : Routing administration
Z.336 : Traffic measurement administration
Z.337 : Network management administration
Z.341 : Glossary of terms
Z350-Z359 : Data-oriented human-machine interfaces
Z.351 : Data oriented human-machine interface specification technique – Introduction
Z.352 : Data oriented human-machine interface specification technique – Scope, approach and reference model
Z360-Z379 : Human-machine interfaces for the management of telecommunications networks
Z.360 : Graphic GDMO: A graphic notation for the Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects
Z.361 : Design guidelines for Human-Computer Interfaces (HCI) for the management of telecommunications networks
Z.371 : Graphic information for telecommunication management objects
Z.372 : Templates for telecommunications human-machine interfaces


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