Choose the field name for which more detailed explanation is required.


Ship name

Ship names are displayed as notified, to the ITU, by the responsible Administration.

The following principles should be noted:

  • Names of stations consisting of several words, such as La Bretagne, Rheinland-Pfalz and S.Remo, are displayed as if the names consisted of single words without intervening spaces, hyphens or full stops. 

  • Accented letters are treated as letters without accents while diacritical letters such as å,  ä, ö, ø and ü are treated as the letters a, a, o, o and u, respectively.

  • Roman figures are used as substitute for such numerical symbols as 1°, 2°, etc.
    Example:   ANDORA 3° becomes ANDORA III.

  • Compound names begining with Saint, San, São, etc., may alternatively be displayed with this part abbreviated as "S".


Call Sign

Call sign formed from the international call sign series in accordance with Article 19, Section III of the Radio Regulations (RR).

The sign = (equal) in this column indicates that the name of the ship is used to identify the station in radiotelephony. A dotted line (....) means that no information has been provided on this subject by the administration concerned.


Selcal No.(s) = Selective call number 

Selective call numbers assigned by Administrations in accordance with RR Article 19, Section V, of the Radio Regulations.

The selective call number are prefixed as follows:

for normal selective call numbers using sequential single frequency code, SSFC.
for selective call number used also in the NBDP system or for the NBDP system only, in accordance with Recommendation
 ITU-R M.476-5.


Admin.Geo.Area = Administration and/or Geographical Area 

Administration and/or Geographical Area to which the MID has been allocated, indicated by the full name.



Indicates the number of lifeboats on board fitted with radio apparatus.



Emergency Position-Indicating RadioBeacon: A station in the mobile service the emissions of which are intended to facilitate search and rescue operations.

Symbols used in this field are:

 EPIRB operating on 2 182 kHz;

 EPIRB operating on 121.5 MHz;

 EPIRB operating on 243 MHz;

 EPIRB operating on 156.525 MHz;

 Satellite EPIRB operating in the band 406-406.1 MHz;

 SART operating in the band 9 200-9 500 MHz.

The latter information may be completed by a figure indicating the number carried of each type of equipment.
Examples: BC1 (one EPIRB transmitting on the frequencies 121.5 and 243 MHz).
                A1BC1 (one EPIRB transmitting on the frequency 2 182 kHz and one EPIRB transmitting on the frequencies 121.5 and
                           243 MHz).


Ship Class

Ships (including any other device carrying a ship station) are classified by means of a two-letter general classification symbol and followed by a two or three-letter individual classification symbol. The meaning of each symbol used is given below:

Symbols which designate classes of ships


Corresp. = Nature of Service  

The nature of service includes the classification as regards the type of international correspondence service maintained by the station, indicated by means of one of the following symbols:


 a station open to official correspondence exclusively;


 a station open to public correspondence;


 a station open to limited public correspondence;


 a station open exclusively to correspondence of a private agency;


 a station open exclusively to operational traffic of the service concerned.


Terr. Serv = Terrestrial Services  

The specific services provided by a station open to public correspondence in the maritime mobile service. These services are indicated by one or more of the following symbols:


 radiotelephone calls;

 radiotelex calls;

 OBS messages (voluntary observing ship);

 facsimile communications;


As regards the maritime mobile-satellite service, the same specific services are usually supported by the system.


Hours = Hours of Service 

Hours of service are expressed in the form of one of the following symbols:



 continuous service throughout the twenty-four hours;


 16-hour service provided by a ship station of the second category;


 8-hour service provided by a ship station of the third category;


 intermittent service throughout the twenty-four hours, or station having no specific working hours;


 day service;


 night service.


RTG Band = Telegraph transmission frequency bands

Frequency bands used for radiotelegraphy transmissions, indicated by one or more of the following symbols:


 frequency bands used in the maritime mobile-satellite service;

 bands between 110 and 160 kHz;

 bands between 415 and 535 kHz;

 bands between 1 605 and 4 000 kHz;

 bands between 4 000 and 27 500 kHz.


RTF Band = Telephone transmission frequency bands

Frequency bands used for radiotelephony transmissions, indicated by one or more of the following symbols:


 frequency bands used in the maritime mobile-satellite service;

 bands between 1 605 and 4 000 kHz;

 bands between 4 000 and 27 500 kHz;

 bands between 156 and 174 MHz.


AAIC = Accounting Authority Identification Codes

These are identified by their accounting authorities identification codes (AAICs) in accordance with ITU-T Recommendation D.90 or by a numerical references to notes designating other entities to which accounts for the mobile station may be sent.



An AAIC identifying an accounting authority charged with the accounting in the maritime mobile-satellite service, if not the same as the AAIC.


AA info. = AAIC information

Particulars concerning the termination or cancellation of accounting authority responsibilities (dates preceded by the abbreviations TER or CAN respectively).


NTLX No.(s) = National telex systems 

Numbers used within national telex systems.


MMSI No. = Maritime Mobile Service Identities 

9-digit ship station identities are assigned by Administrations in accordance with Article 19, section VI of the Radio Regulations.


Inmarsat No. (s) = Inmarsat numbers  

7 or 9-digit numbers used within the Inmarsat system. The general format of the Inmarsat mobile number is:

T1(T2) X1X2 ... Xk

where a single or double digit T is used for discrimination between different Inmarsat systems.

Value of T digit(s) for various applications

T digit(s)



Reserved for future use


Ordinary call in Inmarsat-B system


Ordinary call in Inmarsat-C system


Ordinary call in Inmarsat Aeronautical system


Ordinary call in Inmarsat-M system


Ordinary call in Inmarsat-mini-M system

70-75 and 77-79

Reserved for future use


Expedient access to special service terminations in Inmarsat-A system


Reserved for future expansion


Owner = Owner of station

The name of the licensee or the owner of the ship.


Ex Ship-Name

Ship station formerly registered with this name.


Ex Call Sign

Ship station formerly assigned this call sign.


EPIRB Id. Code

The identification code for alerting devices of the GMDSS, in accordance with the most recent versions of the ITU-R Recommendations M. 585, M. 632, M. 633 and M.693.

Presently, the codes used are either the MMSI No. or the  MID + Radio call sign or serialized protocols (one per vessel).


Vessel Id. No.

The IMO number or national registration number.


Gross Tonnage

A common measurement of the internal volume of a ship with certain spaces excluded. One ton equals 100 cubic feet; the total of all the enclosed spaces within a ship expressed in tons each of which is equivalent to 100 cubic feet.


Person Capacity

Capacity of persons on board (passengers and crew)


Radio Installation

Ship's radio installation, such as Inmarsat A, B, C, VHF DSC, etc.


Emergency Contact

Access to information concerning the contact persons (names, addresses, telephone and telefax numbers) as well as alternative 24-hour emergency telephone numbers, is restricted to administrations and by extension to Rescue Coordination Centres.           

Note: Administrations will be provided, on receipt of a formal request addressed to the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau, with a unique account number, consisting of a username and password. The account numbers will allow users access to the information mentioned in the above paragraph. It will be the responsibility of administrations to provide their account number to the Rescue Coordination Centres under their jurisdiction, for whom this information may be necessary for effective and coordinated search and rescue activities in the current Global Maritime Distress System (GMDSS ) regime.