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  Домашний : МСЭ-R : Исследовательские комиссии : : [ITU Seminar on New Technology and Services (Geneva, 3 December 2003) ]
Сектор радиосвязи (МСЭ-R)  
[ITU Seminar on New Technology and Services (Geneva, 3 December 2003) ]
[Advancements in technology in recent years have greatly facilitated the deployment of new wireless services and applications in the Amateur and Land Mobile Services. In addition, new technologies appearing on the horizon will further enhance and increase the development of new applications and services. These new applications will result in the introduction of advanced delivery systems providing greater benefits to the Amateur and Land Mobile radio services particularly in key areas such as Public Protection and Disaster Relief, Intelligent Transport Systems, Messaging Systems, RLAN, and Personal Communications. These highly important areas were well recognized at the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-03) which was held last June. Emerging technologies such as Software Defined Radio, Adaptive Antennas and other interference mitigation techniques, can provide additional systems flexibility and greatly enhance the efficient use of the radiocommunication spectrum. The objective of this seminar is to provide a forum to discuss, to exchange views on, and to reflect on the implications of the introduction of new wireless technology, applications and services on wireless communications.]

[Sabah Towaij]
[Chairman, ITU-R WP 8A]


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