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  主页 : ITU-R; : 大会和会议; : : [Reference situation for assignments to primary terrestrial services other than broadcasting]
[Reference situation for assignments to primary terrestrial services other than broadcasting]

[The summary information regarding the requests for inclusion and the included assignments is presented in the following Table:]

ADM Inclusion requested (R06)* Included
ARS 339 339
AZE 38 3
BEL 4 4
CTI 31 14
EGY 524 474
F 250 250
G 5 580 5 428
GEO 7 7
IRN 578 551
ISR 452 372
JOR 2 240 2 017
KAZ 34 18
KGZ 11 10
MRC 70 70
RUS 1 760 1 420
TJK 9 2
UAE 4 4
UZB 27 27
Total 11 958 11 010
[* Note: These statistics do not take into account invalid or duplicated R06 notices ]


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最近更新日期 : 2011-06-15