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  主页 : ITU-R; : 大会和会议; : : [Time Management Plan, RAG, 25-27 June 2012]
[Time Management Plan, RAG, 25-27 June 2012]

Time MON 25 TUE 26 WED 27
09h00-10h30 10h00 Opening RAG correspondence group activities: (cont'd)

- ITU-R Strategic Plan (cont'd)

- Electronic Document Handling

- Establishment of new groups

Results of RA-12 and WRC-12

Preparations for WCIT-12

Any other business

10h45-12h00 Council issues

Operational Plan

Study Group activities and working methods

Conformance and interoperability Approval of the Summary of Conclusions


14h00-15h30 Study Group activities and working methods (cont'd) WRC-15 preparation  

RAG correspondence group activities:

- BR Information Systems

- ITU-R Strategic Plan

Information and assistance to membership

Date of next meeting


18h00   Director's Reception  


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最近更新日期 : 2012-06-25