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RESOLUTION 29 (Rev. Doha, 2006)

ITU Telecommunication Development Sector initiatives on Sector Member issues


The World Telecommunication Development Conference (Doha, 2006),


  1. No. 126 of the ITU Constitution, which encourages participation by industry in telecommunication development in developing countries ;
  2. that the Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU D) may undertake, during the period 2008 2011, actions in order to be responsive to Sector Members' needs;
  3. that it is in the interest of ITU to achieve its development objectives, increase the number of Sector Members and promote their participation in the activities of ITU D;
  4. that partnerships between and among the public and the private sectors, national, regional, international and intergovernmental organizations, including ITU and other entities, as appropriate, are key to promoting sustainable information and communication technology (ICT) development;
  5. that the Geneva Plan of Action and Tunis Agenda emphasize the importance of the public and private sectors to mobilize resources and form partnerships for sustainable development,


  1. that telecommunication is of critical importance to overall economic, social and cultural development;
  2. that Sector Members may face challenges in the provision of ICT services;
  3. the important role played by Sector Members in suggesting and implementing ITU D projects and programmes;
  4. that a large number of ITU D programmes and activities involve Sector Member issues,

further recognizing

  1. a) the importance of the principles of transparency and non-exclusivity to partnership opportunities and projects;
  2. b) the need to promote increased Sector membership and active participation of Sector Members in ITU D activities;
  3. c) the need to facilitate exchange of views and information between Member States and Sector Members on private-sector issues related to telecommunication policies and regulation, techno¬logies and related services, market access and investment conditions;
  4. d) the need to promote and facilitate the creation of human resource development programmes and activities relevant to Sector Members' interests in developing countries, including opportunities for ITU D Sector Members;
  5. e) that this initiative should facilitate the participation of Sector Members in all ITU D programmes and activities,


  1. that a growing number of ITU D Sector Members from the private sector are engaged in the work accomplished within ITU D;
  2. that there is an evolving and increasing role for and contribution of Sector Members in ITU D activities;
  3. that economic development relies, among others, on the resources and capacity of ITU D Sector Members,


  1. that the ITU D operational plans should respond to issues relevant to Sector Members by strengthening the communication channels between the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), Member States and ITU D Sector Members;
  2. that appropriate steps should continue to be taken for the creation of an enabling environment at the national, regional, and international levels to encourage development and investment in the ICT sector;
  3. that the Director of BDT, when implementing the ITU D operational plan, should consider the following actions:
    1. to improve regional cooperation between Member States, Sector Members and other relevant entities;
    2. to facilitate the development of public and private sector partnerships for the implementation of regional initiatives;
    3. to promote through its various programmes an enabling environment for investment and ICT development, instructs the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau
  1. to address, as appropriate, in the programmes and activities, issues of interest to Sector Members;
  2. to facilitate communications between Member States and Sector Members on issues which contribute to an enabling environment for investment, particularly in developing countries,

invites the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau

to consider organizing, contingent upon the ability to mobilize extrabudgetary resources, a Sector Members' meeting that would:

  • focus on key challenges in achieving ICT development in developing countries and propose approaches for addressing those challenges;
  • be open to the entire ITU membership.


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